Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Spoiled pup...

Luna has lived a crazy life in her 5 years on this Earth. She has probably ridden in the car for more miles than any other dog, going from GA to SC to MD to VA constantly... she's my little co-pilot. Most of the time if I'm running errands, there she is in the back of the car waiting for me as I come out of wherever it is. She has a bit of an anxiety problem though at two times... when she is put in her crate... she HATES it... she will do it, but you can tel, she cries and cries for the first few minutes she is in there... and the other time is when you're packing any kind of bag. She knows you're leaving.... it unsettles her to the point where she will sit next to the door, or sit right next to you as close as she can so she knows you won't leave without her.

Luna is our child... she's not a dog, she has a personality and language... call us crzy, but I promise if you spent a day or two with her, you would understand... trust me. My mom is the most un-dog person you've ever met, but she loves her, talks to her and will even cuddle with her.

So, Kris and I spent some quality time with her today, I rocked her in the rocking chair in the baby room, which was cracking me up because sometimes she gets this look on her face like "mom, I don't like this, but you're close to me, so I guess it's alright" and then she jumped off me and onto the floor to cuddle with her daddy... :)

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