Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Katie Arms.... how I missed you.

Ever have those people in your life that you meet and then you move and it seems like after you move or quit a job or something like that that you grow fonder of the person? I have some people that I hated working with and then found out as a firend they were great people... this wasn't the case with Katie... I loved working with her but because she bartended and I was only serving in Charleston we never really had time to hang out. But, once we started talking about music and band shows.....that's when we completely hit it off... but then soon after I moved away and it was a little sad... but...

Katie takes lots of road trips to see bands play... some may call her a groupie... but, i call it fun!
She will spend hours and hours in her car just to se a band play that could possibly only last 45 minutes. But, believe me, if you have a love for music the way this girl does... those 45 minutes are your life. Don't ask me how she finds time in her schedule for it, but she has become a nurse and isn't far from her next level (LPN i think... not good with titles) in schooling... she is one of the sweetest girls you will ever meet and always has a smile on her face!

As I was saying, since I moved away, she has seen me in every place I have been... it's awesome.. So glad I got to hang out with her... after her day of driving and us going to see Less Than Jake and the Supervillains, we went to a deli my friend Sara told me about in Va Beach... this deli imports their desserts from Carnegie deli in New York, and their Reubens aren't far from it either... this picture does not even do it justice... they are so heavy you to go box feels like it weighs 5 pounds... I can't WAIT to eat dessert there! YUM.

So, since it was so cold I took Katie to see the King Neptune statue in Va Beach. It's a 34 foot high bronze statue that I love :) it's the largest cast bronze statue since the US Marine Corps Memorial in DC. King Neptune being the god of the sea in roman theology (poseidon) is so awesome standing there on the shore!

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