Saturday, January 9, 2010

trip to Baltimore.

Last weekend before the big day or starting school on Monday. Had my orientation that was very reminiscent of getting a root canal done. . . but longer, more painful, and without any kind of anesthesia. Almost 8 hours I traveled up and down the elevator and stairs, they should really warn you that these things take as long as they do, and. . I mean, at least tell you to pack a bag lunch! But, all in all, it was pretty productive. I am going to take my final quarter starting January of 2011, so I should graduate sometime in March or something.... finally. Yeah, I know Mom, only took me 10 years?!?! But, I feel like I completely and fully gained what most people miss in four years of college. One of the most important parts of my life were the three years I lived in downtown Baltimore.

Baltimore is, and will always be one of my favorite places to go. That city taught me a lot about life, love, heartache, depression, and happiness. I'm glad I left, but love to visit. Yesterday I went to Baltimore to see my friends David and Garin. We had a great time going to eat our favorite spots, laughing hysterically, and talking of memories from the past. I love them to pieces. Had some fun with Olive Oil and took cheesy photos :)

Documented a Drag show, will post those tomorrow! :) Goodnight.

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