Sunday, January 31, 2010

night exposures, snow, and bears, oh my!

just kidding about the bears comment, heres some photos from the snow. I love how beautiful and soft and mellow the snow is. I love how the light reflects off of it, and makes the nighttime seem eerie and weird like in a movie when someone is lost in another time zone. At this point it was still snowing, I wanted to go back out early in the morning to get more, but I drank too much coffee the day before and was up until almost 5 am. ugh. caffeine, why have you turned your back on me?!? I used to love you so much!

so, apparently, this is only one inch of snow, if you ask the weather channel... thanks a lot.

this is my house, my backyard, and within a block of here, the park on the corner, and the community center.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday, what a day

wake up, dog cries, "I'm coming, baby girl. . ." we walk down the rickety hardwood floors, i slip on some canvas flat shoes, still so fashionably clad in my cotton pajama pants and tank. "Sit Luna" click the leash around the collar loop, open the back door slowly, it's bright, i just woke...... "WHOOAAA" as I open my eyes, there is about 5 inches of snow on the ground.

I checked the weather Friday afternoon, it said that there would only be approx. an inch of snow cover... boy, were they wrong! SO, had an appointment to shoot in the studio, talked to her and said it was okay. I put on my boots, walk out to the street, wait about thirty minutes before i realize the bus isn't coming. But, Joel and Elizabeth were right around the corner, and they picked me up to take me to Rosslyn, where I would go in, set up the studio for the shots, heard from model again, said she's on the way, twenty minutes later, model calls again...... and cancels.... wow... yuck.

Text Elizabeth and she's going to brunch in the Eastern Market area of DC... wow... sweet timing I had, rode the orange line to the other side of town, got there and ate, walked around the market, got a quick overview tour of the ghetto, and her place, and where Ft McNair is, then headed back to the house.

Thank goodness for good friends, otherwise I could have been pretty bummed about the situation at hand, but Joel's from Michigan so used to snow-driving, and we had a great time hanging out. Looking forward to it, they're moving here soon!

These townhouses were built in the 70s and I think they're great! I'd like to shoot more photos once spring hits. the plant were inside of Elizabeth's aunt's window, inside a building that was the craziest 60's shaped place ever.

Thai Terrace, art show, Elizabeth and Joel's visit.

Today proved to be a very successful one. Elizabeth came and I got to meet her Aunt Andy (sp?) who is very active in the Arts world here in DC. Pretty interesting lady. She does a lot of installations on "peace" and has lived in DC for a long time. We all went to the Arlington Art Center for an art opening there, then went to dinner. Kris sent me a picture of his beer while I was at the art show... So, here's my rebuttal. Apparently, everyone said this was a voluptuous glass that looked like a stiletto heel. hahah.. pretty funny. Dinner was awesome, and we all laughed about the snowfall and talked about scientology and how we wanted to know what "the-tons" looked like. I've pretty much stopped drinking as of now, and eating meat is on a rare occasion in this house. It's quite interesting. I'm feeling better every day.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Today was a disaster in the studio. Thank goodness Natalie was there to help me get by. She was my stand in model for my studio work I'm trying to put together.. More on Saturday, we'll see how it works out. Like I said, these are some of the outtakes :) They made me smile. Yes indeed they're pretty fun :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

All My Mistakes

If you know me well, you know I have some issues with letting everyone in, being "self-less" as my Mom refers it. I do not see it the same way. Yeah, I know, my Mom and I have a disagreement, what a crazy thought, eh? haha. jk, mom. Anyway, I see this "selflessness" asa very good thing. I thtink it should be more of a selfish thing, because I truly learn so much from all of my mistakes. I don't know it at the time, I don't take it all in either, but it really truly is a way of taking everything in and then later on I digest it, look back, and say "wow, what a trip I've had to make it here" So, I went through a lot of different "love" situations, where I truly did love, and I truly did feel, but I had to get through all of those to get to where I am. So, thankful for where I am... much like one of my favorite songs.

Shooting off vicious collections of words
The losers make facts by the things they have heard
And I find myself trying hard to defend them

I made decisions some right and some wrong
And I let some love go I wish wasn't gone
These things and more I wish I had not done

But I can't go back
And I don't want to
'Cause all my mistakes
They brought me to you

I have some "friends" they don't know who I am
So I write quotations around the word friends
But I have a couple that have always been there for me

And I missed some fun 'cause I worked through the dawn
Expecting your praise when I returned home
But I paid the cost 'cause I got left alone for the songs

But I can't go back
And I don't want to
'Cause all my mistakes
They brought me to you

These lyrics say a lot about the things I have thought about lately. I have made mistakes, I have been places in my life I'm not proud about, but I can't go back and I don't want to. yes, so here I am. Yes, my husband lives 3 hours away, I will probably see him 10 more times before he leaves for months to foreign places to defend our country. Yes, ten times. Some people see their spouses ten times in an hour, and are unhappy. I will see him, 10 times, in ten months, and be so happy. I love where I am because I know it's as good as it can get right now. I have a great support group of family, friends, my roommate, my dog, and my husband, who asks me everyday if I have "shot a photo today" not to nag, but to show his support of me, my dreams, and my life. Sometimes you need a little boost to get to your dreams. All my mistakes.

Here is a picture that still makes me smile. The larger one is of the whole room, the close up is of the same photo, but is hilarious :) Natalie's room gets wonderful light, I liked it this day. Bright, cheerful, smiles, calming, happy.

after much struggle... unveiled a new look

that's right... here it is, ladies and gents! :) new logo! clean, simple, i like. let me know what you think!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom

Since I didn't shoot any photos today because I spent my entire day on the phone dealing with the stupid insurance agency. ugh.

Happy Birthday Mom! Thanks for being my never-ending support throughout all of the stages of my life, even when I decided wearing a t shirt with a Beatles lunch box on it and wearing my hair like a helmet was a "great way to be" haha.. wow, really?

Sunday, January 24, 2010


you can make them now, lots of people have written emails to me about the blog, but now you can add them onto the page so everyone can see. :) So, go back to your favorite one, and post them here :) Sorry it took me so long to update that!

here's my logo.... working on branding myself.. it's quite odd, but somewhat interesting.

forever young

Kris bought me a rose, as usual :) we're pretty predictable, but it still gives me butterflies in my stomach knowing I am so lucky. On the drive out, I shot some photos in the car, and since I told him I would photograph everyday for him, that was a promise I had made, so, today the rose he gave me looked really cool, so I busted out the lens baby. So, you, as a lucky person reading this, get to see both the compilation of photos and the rose. :) January marked two years, only 100 more to go.
"If I lived til I was 102, I just don't think I'll ever get over you."

Saturday, January 23, 2010

action safari

Kris's friend's band, Action Safari, played Friday. I wasn't going to go, but after taking the drive out, I was able to go. It was practically pitch black in there, which resulted in some pretty and grainy photos, which I tend to like, but most dont. haha. So, anyway, here's a few photos that were taken in almost complete darkness. There will be more to come, soon enough.

Oddest part, there was a girl there selling t shirts for 5 dollars. It wasn't the band's t shirts, just a local artist, so I liked her hard knox sign :) sorry Scott, to make you the subject of the joke!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Second week... feeling awesome.

So, my specialization class which was once very scary to me, is beginning to turn around a bit. I've decided what to do, now finding the models to pose for me, is the difficult part. I want to find as many people as I can to build a portfolio of all of these coherent shots. I want them all to be about the faces, not so much about the clothes, the lighting, etc. I want it to focus on face, contrast, negative space, and the identity of the person. So, if you're reading this, and know anyone in the DC metro area, send them my way!

J.O.B. wow... I took about 750 photos for an event in dc and it was very interesting, I think that I documented just about all there was to document in an 11 hour setting that was pretty much lectures and groups of people talking. It was a very long two days, because I didn't really know what t expect out of the day. I think next event I shoot like this I will ask for a schedule, so I at least have an idea of what I will be doing.

Richmond. Went and met Kris halfway, and quite honestly I didn't want to even take my camera out of the bag. I wanted to spend the day with just us, being comfortable and relaxing, so that's exactly what we did...

Web Design... going well, so far.... still holding my breath hahah..

Business of Photo class. Very interesting so far. Hopefully I get to learn a lot from my professor, he seems very knowledgeable and has been around the block a few times.

Photos... umm... Inspiration from Alex Majoli, who is actually known for photojournalism, but these portraits were too awesome to pass up. This is what I am looking to do once I get into the studio.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

School and job.

First classes went well, web design may kill me, but I doubt it. Loving the classes but hating the times! Just can't get used to the schedule yet, but I will very soon. The walk to the bus isn't too bad, and the ride only takes like thirty minutes at most.

Natalie referred me to a friend who has hired me to photograph this weekend. He works for the American Legacy Foundation. They're a foundation that is working hard to keep kids from smoking. The event should be interesting, I admire what they're doing. It takes a lot of commitment to achieve a goal to save our youth. It's so sad that kids as young as 10 or even younger are already addicted! No photos tonight.

Much love, KT

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Hippo in Baltimore-Drag Show

This weekend, I went to a drag show in honor of Sue Nami (one of the queens) it was quite awesome. I met lots of wonderful people, and had lots of fun with David and Garin.

People might ridicule or not agree with the lifestyle of these amazing men, but to me, it was beautiful. Anyone with that much confidence, creativity, and courage, is GREAT by my standards!

Keep in mind, most of the costumes are handmade, one of the wigs is actually three wigs sewn together, and I overhead many fun comments, one of which was "I'm wearing six pair of pantyhose" now, that's commitment! I'm lucky to make it through the day with one pair on!

Sabrina White, Jasmine, Ava Couture, Sue Nami, Chi Chi, Phoenix, and everyone else you are amazing! Thanks for allowing me to photograph you and allowing me the access. Please email me for upcoming shows, I'll be glad to come out and photograph more.

My response to the photoshoot: WoW! These ladies are great! Some weren't too fond of me photographing them unless they were ready for the stage, which is understandable, but I was there to document the entirety and the hard work that goes into this. And they take pride in that, so I respected them. Sabrina, you're awesome. You allowed photographs whenever, and came out to take your final bow as a man, just to show the world you are beautiful either way.

Your insider info?: These are men, they get on stage and lip-sync to music while dancing, they go out into the crowd, get tips, sometimes shooters as tips, and then they run downstairs to the dressing room to completely transform into someone else and come back out again. Some do up to 3 songs a night, some work with choreographers to get their dances down. There are competitions across the region, state, and even the USA. It's a competitive event, and taken very seriously.