Saturday, September 12, 2009

this guy is amazing to me. Such a story, a past, whole-heartedness to his work. amazing. i guess I don't really have a specific story, time or place to explain where my art comes from. whether it comes from watching many many people in my life create things, fix things, or teach me different ways to do things, I'm unsure. i know that i love to listen. i used to sit in the hair salon my entire childhood just listening to older women talk. partially i guess i was nosey, most kids hated to listen to their elders. although i rebelled against my mom and dad my fair share, i was never a really bad kid. while others were out running around smoking and drinking, all i really strived to do was be in love with a stupid boy, when neither of us really had a single solitary clue what that meant. love. i suppose that's the underlining meaning of my work, i think i understand what love means. learning and love. those are my passion. learning about the things i have shut off in my life, and trying to understand the things that others don't have a passion to even try to understand. i like being able to have a passive wall to the world. anything that happens, will. anything that doesn't, won't. Katie and I spoke of many things the other day, one being that she doesn't think she could be around a person in a photojournalistic situation and not want to help them. I think I do have the ability to do this, because you have to remember you ARE helping humanity. it's a rough decision. no one ever has a real answer to the ethics and morals that go with it, but i suppose my stance is the harsh one of the two. however, i have never been in the position to make that call. well, onto finishing up my cd cover, artists statement, and finals. tuesday I have an interview at charleston magazine for an internship. i really hope I can get it!... time for finding a movie and hitting the sack, tomorrow's another day, I'm sure to catch up on my homework then. ahhh yes, and a photo... let's see...ahh... one trip to fayetteville nc... what a weird and strange place, much like that of augusta, no one wants to put money into refurbbing a place that's already there so they move out in town and create suburbs full of barnes n nobles, targets, best buys, and brand new developments where all the houses look the same.. ugh.

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