Monday, September 7, 2009

a bit abstract.

so, for a final in one of my classes, named advanced principles, we could do anything we wanted for our finals. I chose to do an abstract tattoo project. I shot all of these with the Mamiya medium format camera, it was awesome. I based the shoot on the fact that some people see tattoos as a veil, a cover if you will. Some view it as a display. Some follow you down the street or through the grocery store to speak bible verses to you about how you may go to hell. The most common verse that you get is from Leviticus 19:28 that states "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you; I am the Lord." Which is the same page where it is stated that we're not to make any marks against our hairlines either... sorry guys... let your beards grow and don't get tattoos.... you'll go to hell if you do. There's a big debate over this and I'm not sure what to think about it, since the bible also states that only your soul goes to heaven, and your physical body stays here on earth. If that's the truth, then why is everyone so afraid of your body that you leave here on earth having a little more color than the next guy? stop looking at someone's color and not seeing past it. look beyond the veil.

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