Thursday, March 22, 2012

oh, camera phone :)

Everyone has a camera phone these days... and it's so easy just just upload and email everything away! I love it. It makes it so easy to send Kris little snippets of our day and try our best to keep him involved.

As I was skimming through my facebook I noticed these photos... Kris will hate me for his "goofy face" photo of him and Clara doing some shopping in target... but, the other one is our baby's first day wearing jeans haha I know it's silly...and most people probably aren't this way about their child, but to me, this being our first and only child... i want to document everything. I honestly wish I could have her videotaped 24 hours a day, and yes, even when she's sleeping, is anything cuter??? AHH! I just can't get enough of her. she's smart and sweet and even has a little temper that somewhat makes me smile, but sometimes drives me crazy. but, only the things that you love have the ability to drive you crazy... The last photo is of Clara acting like a dog.... she pants, plays fetch and even tries to eat dog food... it's hilarious. She really thinks that she's supposed to act that way... Babies are very similar to puppies, repetition is key... but, I'm hoping she gets over that stage soon...

I feel like so many people take little things for granted... pay attention to your kids... seriously? as I'm taking photos of my kid in target, the next aisle over there's a mom on her phone, ignoring her child, drinking starbucks and not taking the opportunity to talk... talk to them, sing, even if you don't know the words, trust me, they'll laugh... point things out and talk... it's not that hard.. i promise, we do it all day long. sometimes it is hard for me to shift back into adult mode because I'm in the pre-toddler mode all day long when I'm with her... but, that's my job.. I'm a mom.. I'm not worried about talking to other adults near as much as I am my baby... every second counts with her right now. every single one. all those other people will be around at a later date.... and they'll understand. she needs me.. and yeah, i still have a life, i leave her with a babysitter when i have things I can't take her along, but... I'm just saying that there are plenty of times when parents could really take advantage of those moments that are ever-so-quickly leaving you...sorry... went on a rant.. i just hate seeing people with kids when they don't even pay attention to them. and more often than not.. those are the ones complaining later that their kid is misbehaving.. or... "I dunno where they learned that" when you're doing the same thing right in front of them..

hope you like my little snippets of life as much as I know my relatives and husband do..

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