Tuesday, March 22, 2011


While playing the waiting game awaiting Clara's arrival, my Mom came up once she found out I was dilated. Taking the 8 hour journey from Ga, she was so worried that I would deliver and not have anyone here, or that she might miss it herself. Had you told me at age 12 that I would, at 27, be living in the same home with my mother for over a month, I would have laughed so hard I peed myself and then looked at you like you were crazy.

I spent years not communicating with my mom, pushing her away and really treating her horribly, I started to really understand her when I was 21. My 21st birthday my mom and stepdad were my designated driver for half the day. They came to brunch and watched me at 1030 am act a fool with my friends and drink mimosas, mojitos and the occasional tequila shot.... it was after this that I realized she is not as judgmental as I once thought.

I have taught her a lot too... and tried my best to broaden her horizons teaching her the things I learn about life, food and just people in general. Through socialization I have learned so much about topics I never would have thought I would know anything about. I am truly a believer in learning through conversations. I have these conversations and then always come back to mom... talking things through with her and having her put her two cents in. These two cents I never really wanted nor did I appreciate them when I was younger. I know I'm not old and we have many many years to come, but I just wanted to let her and you know that we have come a long way.

This entry's for you, Mom. Thanks for not giving up on me over those years and years that I ignored the phone, deleted the emails and when I did answer snapped at everything you said. I've always said if anyone can push my buttons, it's you... and I guess this time around you've found the good button, the one that controls my heart.

While I lay here, Clara on my chest sound asleep, juggling my computer on my lap and multitasking I'm reminded of the way you raised me to be strong, independent and smart. Without your influence, I may not have learned these traits. Now, a college graduate (finally), married to the most wonderful man who ever stepped on the earth, and most recently becoming a mother myself, I just have to Thank You for your influence on me, and I will pass on these traits and qualities to Clara, your granddaughter.

I Love You Mom. You're already a great Gramma!

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