Monday, May 3, 2010

Spritzed Glass-studio

For Advanced Lighting, our assignment was to shoot a portrait through spritzed glass (with water). It's a very technical process and involves a lot of light moving, readjustments, and, as my professor says constantly.."ask yourself what if.."'s So, my handy right hand lady Sarah came and helped me out, with a very long process of shooting this photo... yes, this was shot in a studio! :) I'm getting sooo much better at this stuff, I can actually go into the studio with an idea and then have it work! YES! My friend Jaren posed for me, and he was sooo patient, I couldn't have done it without him. While Sarah and I moved the lights, sprayed him down with water, and moved everything a hundred times, he just sat and smiled, and was patient when I dressed him up nerdy and made him pose! :) Thanks so much, Jaren! So, hope you enjoy! I will be posting lots in the next few days, because this weekend I didn't have internet, so I have to catch my blog up! I will, though!

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