Monday, May 17, 2010

A day in the life.... step by step

So, I woke up today to an urgent call from doctor... my cholesterol has skyrocketed, and i needed to go see the doctor asap... go there, get sent to a dietician, blah blah blah 425, hereditary.... basically I need to make some serious changes in my life. Diet, exercise, life.... everything must change... so, tonight I spent as normal, with pickle and marsh-mellow (computer and phone) and my arm's completely asleep....

BUT..... I'm slowly accomplishing things, step by step....

As with everything in life, baby steps are pretty much key, until someone threatens you with heart disease and death at the ripe age of 26. So, today I spent visualizing my life... what i need to do, where i need to go, see, but mostly create....

first on the list, the website will get a whole new twist very soon, in fact i would say within the next two weeks...

secondly, Alexander Reed Winery..... in full effect....(the photo i posted is NOT the final product.... but the final product will be amazing!)

third, and possibly most importantly... I can't create if my heart isn't pumping and I can't walk.. (well, maybe photographing from a wheelchair would be possible, but much less interesting) so i must learn to take full care of myself.... counting calories, doing the gym thing and just down right realizing my own actions.

So, here it goes... I have 90 days to lower my cholesterol before they put me on medicine that will change my life forever.... fighting genes.... step by step.

1 comment:

  1. How about that symbol!!! Who is the masterminds behind that one??

    BTW - You health should be #1!!!
