Friday, May 28, 2010


So, since it's a long weekend and school is closed the next few days, I decided to work extra hard at home on stuff, so I rented out an entire light kit and a macro lens. Well, I never realized how crazy a macro lens was until tonight. WOW.. anyway, I decided I should shoot a few photos of my ring as well, since I really haven't. Pretty crazy that something that stays on my finger 24/7 hasn;t been photographed. Anyway, the cake was bought from Heidelburg Pastry Shoppe in Arlington. Just going into that place is bad for your health, but man is it pretty!

So, the ring is my engagement ring, with a flower Kris bought me a long time ago that has managed to make it through 3 moves... Every once in a while he would show up with a single red rose. It was cute. So, here it is.

The asparagus? umm.. I just want to work with jewelry and food, I think it's a neat concept... maybe I'm onto something, who knows.

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