Monday, May 31, 2010

Some like it hot..

At the grocery store, I couldn't resist buying these colorful little guys, and as I was playing with them I kept thinking I probably shouldn't be rubbing on my camera and into my eyes... Anyway... This was an attempt and fail at still lifee/macro photog. I'm trying to decide what I want to do with this category in my portfolio... ahhh..

Friday, May 28, 2010

Happy Memorial Day weekend!...

....stay away from DC unless you would like to waste your life away in traffic!! But, on the flip side, you can see lots of awesome things!...

To all who have served, their families, spouses, and children.... We love you.

And, like my great uncle says all the time "'cause no one likes the United States anymore..."

Thank you for everything.


So, since it's a long weekend and school is closed the next few days, I decided to work extra hard at home on stuff, so I rented out an entire light kit and a macro lens. Well, I never realized how crazy a macro lens was until tonight. WOW.. anyway, I decided I should shoot a few photos of my ring as well, since I really haven't. Pretty crazy that something that stays on my finger 24/7 hasn;t been photographed. Anyway, the cake was bought from Heidelburg Pastry Shoppe in Arlington. Just going into that place is bad for your health, but man is it pretty!

So, the ring is my engagement ring, with a flower Kris bought me a long time ago that has managed to make it through 3 moves... Every once in a while he would show up with a single red rose. It was cute. So, here it is.

The asparagus? umm.. I just want to work with jewelry and food, I think it's a neat concept... maybe I'm onto something, who knows.

Butterfly Garden

a couple of things come into play when you're photographing butterflies... first of all, you don't realize how fast they're really moving... secondly.... they move a lot... and thirdly, they're always on the go. :) hope you like them :)

the garden is in Wheaton MD, and was a fun trip with Deb Bo and Natalie. one photo there is no butterfly, but the color of this flower was so awesome, ir had to be included. :)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

DC trip with Katie.

So, Katie and I have been friends for almost two years now. She worked with me in South Carolina. She's super sweet and we have similar music interests, so we get along pretty well. She was in richmond for a band show, and came to visit. For her first real visit to DC, we went everywhere... it was awesome. But, instead of boring you with photos from everywhere, I decided to photograph a few things that most people don't pay attention to in the city, nor photograph. I haven't seen the Lincoln memorial in years, so that was neat to see. Then, a little ways off the road coming into DC there is this pavilion type structure. It is actually a DC memorial to those in WW1... pretty neat to see and actually go up to. It's a shame that the memorial hardly gets seen because too many people are too worried about all of the huge ones, but Katie and I gave it some much needed appreciation.

ps... i didn't cut off Katie's feet when I shot, but I knew if I posted the pic of her tennis shoes, she might disown me. :) We both went for comfortable garb that day, and good thing we did, because we probably walked about 4-5 miles..

film development

So, I've been busy with this alternative processes, and haven't even been shooting with my camera! Poor Olive Oil is pretty sad and lonely these days. Anyway, here's a little insight into what I've been shooting. Takes a few days at a time to update because it has to get shot, porocessed and scanned... but I like the way these few images came out. these are straight from the film to scanner to my blog.. nothing has been edited. I particularly like the sprocket holes in the film, let me know what you think!

So, the images are, flowers from the backyard, the national memorial made to look small, Brian and i at the Chili cookoff2010 in DC, and Big Ben, a liquor store icon that stands at the corner of route 50 and the intersection of 395 is soon after. If you make the drive enough, you know big ben!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pinhole Camera "lens"

So, for my alternative processes class, I turned my camera into a pinhole by placing a body cap on it and poking a tiny hole through it. When the light travels in, it flips and projects onto the sensor, and the result is an image. Now, using precise measurements you can actually get this pretty accurate and focused, but I prefer this type of dreamy effect. Well, hope you like them. :)