Wednesday, December 30, 2009

National Harbor

Living in Arlington now, it's pretty sweet. I'm so close to so much history, national monuments, and things that some are never lucky enough to experience. Today we went to the National Harbor. It's on the Potomac in Maryland, but has a great view of the Potomac river. Inside the Gaylord hotel there is a 60 foot tall Christmas tree that was pretty awesome. The birds were outside along the walkway, and I just loved them :) There was also a sculpture that was there of a giant trying to break free from the earth. It was pretty chilly out, but the sky was beautiful.

Friday, December 18, 2009

hoping for snow.

Beauty, non photoshop, just the way it was.

When I was little I used to want snow all the time, I would wake up and check outside to see, and hope and pray school was cancelled, just like every other kid :) But, growing up in Maryland, the road probably had more salt on it than snow. Seems like they overreacted with precautionary procedures. So, been spending a lot of time watching movies and lettin my brain rot a bit before heading back to school. It has been a good break, I've enjoyed the last two months, spent a lot of time just alone with my thoughts. Here's some photos I took on a drive out to the country part of here. :) nothing special, just a few shots of found beauty. The pumpkins were being sold on the honor system, just place a dollar in, and take a pumpkin. When we decorated the house for x mas, those things were still alive and well, and I felt guilty throwing them away, but they were good little traveling pumpkins.

Monday, December 14, 2009

New York!

I have posted my New York CIty trip photos on here. There is lots to check out! I am kind of ashamed that I haven't kept up on this. Lots going on lately, but not to worry!! Kris and I have added a new addition to the family. Her name is Olive Oil, and she is a 5D Mark ii :) It's the greatest gift a girl could ever have hoped for! Although Kris may not have anything to wrap up for me to put under the tree this year, you don't see me complaining!!!

will update more soon.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lisa and Nick's baby pics

Lisa's prego... :) I've watched this girl grow up and through so many things, it''s hard to remember all of the memories. I think some of the funniest things we ever did involved some sort of dress up and me taking photos. I remember one that we did that involved lots of blue eye shadow, hot pink lipstick, different colored nails, and pig tails in her hair. Wow, those were the good old days I guess :) But, times change, no hot pink lipstick here, but she's still the beautiful girl I remember, and the best model I've ever worked with. :) Can't wait for the baby photos!!! (and, it will be a reason to come to CA!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

been editing photos and playing all day.'t

"Have you ever driven down a road that you drive every day and you think to yourself... wait... did I miss my exit or something? this doesn't look familiar... and then you realize that it's not that you aren't paying attention this time, it's that you are, and every other time you were asleep" this was Kris's realization this morning while we drove towards base at 5 am. I decided to try to photograph the things one might miss on their way to and from work everyday. I plan on adding to this, considering I drop him off every once in a while :)
And so it goes,

Early to rise and early to bed
Makes a man healthy and wealthy and dead.
~James Thurber,
Fables for Our Times, 1940

we just can't seem to force ourselves to go to bed early, as if something at midnight will happen and we'll totally miss out. Like Cinderella backwards syndome. Wow. Okay, time for more editing of photos... hope you enjoy

Much love, KT

Saturday, October 3, 2009

starting back up with the posting :)

I've been slacking a little lately with everything on my blog. So, here's some old work I've done that you may not have seen :)

some studio work, some on location, some intimate portraits of Lisa and Nick.

Friday, October 2, 2009

back to childhood days

-something I found online- after many moments this past week of laughing hysterically until we cried. I really started thinking about how much people get caught up in being stuck up their own buts and really don't let themselves relax and have fun. Went to Rvens game with Kris, dressed up and felt awesome. Walked around downtown baltimore all day ahahha got lots of crazy looks, but it was so much fun. being apart from him has been the hardest months of my life. Look... see that smile? it's the 9th wonder of the world... i promise. let it go down in history.

I am hereby officially tendering my resignation as an adult. I have decided I would like to accept the responsibilities of an 8 year-old again.

I want to go to McDonald's and think that it's a four star restaurant.

I want to sail sticks across a fresh mud puddle and make a sidewalk with rocks.

I want to think M&Ms are better than money because you can eat them.

I want to lie under a big oak tree and run a lemonade stand with my friends on a hot summer's day.

I want to return to a time when life was simple, when all you knew were colors, multiplication tables, and nursery rhymes; but that didn't bother you because you didn't know what you didn't know and you didn't care. All you knew was to be happy because you were blissfully unaware of all the things that should make you worried or upset.

I want to think the world is fair; that everyone is honest and good. I want to believe that anything is possible.

I want to be oblivious to the complexities of life and be overly excited by the little things again.

I want to live simple again.

I don't want my day to consist of computer crashes, mountains of paperwork, depressing news, how to survive more days in the month than there is money in the bank, doctor bills, gossip, illness, and loss of loved ones.

I want to believe in the power of smiles, hugs, kind words, truth, justice, peace, dreams, the imagination, mankind, and making angels in the snow.

So, here's my checkbook and my car-keys, my credit card bills and my 401K statements.

I am officially resigning from adulthood. And if you want to discuss this further, you'll have to catch me first, cause. . .

"Tag! You're it."

Monday, September 21, 2009

Congrats Lauren and Matt!!09/20/09

It was easy to make beautiful photographs when you're making photos of beautiful people! These two were awesome. Their family was more than willing to help me and make me feel completely comfortable, to the point that I even got kisses from Mom's as they were leaving. So, here's a few photos that I personally liked a lot. They're not the photos that most would like of their wedding, but I did those two! It was very dark but it cast a very nice mood over the whole place. Fun group of people, fun had by all. Here's a few photos I enjoyed, that made me smile, laugh, and go "awww.." :) Incredible people I met, felt very privileged to be a part of this amazing family for a day. As I edit I will post more, for now I was just getting them onto my computer and in a safe place.

very busy weekend.

So, I went to two.. yes, two Avetts concerts. Thursday went to the one in Chuck town, then went to the one in Augusta, :) Both concerts were awesome in their own way. So, I must post some photos from the shows. Keep in mind I'm in serious need of a new camera, so the photos are a little weird because I shot them in low light. Alright, so here we go.. I also got to go to Arts in the Hearts of Aug. I really like going to that and walking around for a while getting vibes from different artists. We spent the weekend rushing around it seems, but then again, I feel like that's kind of a little part of life... Hopefully Kris will get off work this weekend, and I will have even more stuff to post :) YAY! OOOooookkkkaaayyyyy... so one photo is of baby Isabella... she's the best and cutest ever!

I'm going to make a different post about the same weekend. I shot a beautiful wedding out at Middleton Place. It got dark really fast, so I couldn't shoot as many photos of the bride and groom as I"d have liked, but it was fun, and everyone had a good time, so that's what it's really all about.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

this weekend..

.. I had planned a trip, and should have known better. the good ole navy ruined everything. But, oh well, I'll figure it out, and either way it will be fun! :) so, finally finished all classes but one. :) should be pretty fun to go to augusta this weekend.. and then shooting Lauren's wedding sunday. Then maybe off to Va. or Md. We'll see. photo fun? this is one of my slides from my final portfolio for photojournalism. Next quarter I wanna do more intense subjects, i wanna get down and dirty.. if anyone has any ideas of really dirty jobs or crappy situations, brainstorm and let me know!

Monday, September 14, 2009

finals weekk.... AAHHHH

So, have an interview with Charleston magazine tomorrow I'm pretty excited about. I'm going to hopefully rock it out :) I want this internship so bad! I dunno anyone else in my school who's done the photo part of it. so we'll see what happens :) Got my clothes ready, shoes ready, :) I'm all set and ready to go! 10 am I gotta be there, then it's my final day in advanced principles tomorrow. I'm actually a little bit sad about that. I enjoy hearing Katherine tel us her opinions about things and how they work, and tech news and stuff. Guess I'll have to research on my own now. So, got very bad news today :( Kris is not able to get off for the weekend, so I'm going to have to go up to MD alone, AGAIN. haha I'm really kinda getting used to having to cancel plans with him. I purposefully didn't buy tickets, but then my friend Katie Hansen got them for me as a gift :) YAY.. anyway. Heading to write up the final draft of my artists statement and then head to bed... much needed beauty rest. So, for my final in illustration we had to make up our own cd cover, so I chose to do mine on Megan jean, I mean, it only seemed right.. here's a rough of it. I'm still working out the kinks and stuff... goodnight moon.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

this guy is amazing to me. Such a story, a past, whole-heartedness to his work. amazing. i guess I don't really have a specific story, time or place to explain where my art comes from. whether it comes from watching many many people in my life create things, fix things, or teach me different ways to do things, I'm unsure. i know that i love to listen. i used to sit in the hair salon my entire childhood just listening to older women talk. partially i guess i was nosey, most kids hated to listen to their elders. although i rebelled against my mom and dad my fair share, i was never a really bad kid. while others were out running around smoking and drinking, all i really strived to do was be in love with a stupid boy, when neither of us really had a single solitary clue what that meant. love. i suppose that's the underlining meaning of my work, i think i understand what love means. learning and love. those are my passion. learning about the things i have shut off in my life, and trying to understand the things that others don't have a passion to even try to understand. i like being able to have a passive wall to the world. anything that happens, will. anything that doesn't, won't. Katie and I spoke of many things the other day, one being that she doesn't think she could be around a person in a photojournalistic situation and not want to help them. I think I do have the ability to do this, because you have to remember you ARE helping humanity. it's a rough decision. no one ever has a real answer to the ethics and morals that go with it, but i suppose my stance is the harsh one of the two. however, i have never been in the position to make that call. well, onto finishing up my cd cover, artists statement, and finals. tuesday I have an interview at charleston magazine for an internship. i really hope I can get it!... time for finding a movie and hitting the sack, tomorrow's another day, I'm sure to catch up on my homework then. ahhh yes, and a photo... let's see...ahh... one trip to fayetteville nc... what a weird and strange place, much like that of augusta, no one wants to put money into refurbbing a place that's already there so they move out in town and create suburbs full of barnes n nobles, targets, best buys, and brand new developments where all the houses look the same.. ugh.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

car brochure

some may think it weird that I had books on BMW's that I was carrying around, hahah but, it's not so weird to a college student. Anyway, new assignment. Had to create a mock-car-brochure.. so here's my first draft of mine. yes, i shot all the photos, yes, those clouds are real in one photo haha. . :) Clouds like this exist in Virginia, it's amazing. guess it's cause all the water around Norfolk. But, Kris probably gets tired of me always saying "wow...look at the clouds" so I used that for this :) football tomorrow hopefully, and then horse show photos this weekend. lots of uncooked frogs this week. Alright, here we go!

Happy Birthday!

I love you. :) Thanks for being the most patient person ever. . . since you deal with me and my crap! and, here's funny photos to make you and everyone smile with you. wow... mac's are too much fun. :)

wow.. fast week

at times it seems the days just blend together into one giant 24 hour period. So, I'm working more on my story and Katie McCord. . . yesterday I spent the entire day and it was insane when you spend a day actually caring for Mother Nature. I cooked and ate an organic meal, took recycling to the respective places, even down to cleaning with organic soap, carpooling, it's insane what little precautions can really do. After a conversation with a classmate today I really feel like there are people in my school that really take the easy route out of assignments. I feel like mine is difficult but VERY educational. I've learned so much from this amazing woman, whether it be about caring for horses, the earth, chickens, cows, dogs, just caring in general. Sometimes when you live your life for yourself you never realize all the things you're missing around you until you're forced to notice things because you have a camera in your hand. And although everyone else may view my photos and feel like they can skim though them in 2 minutes and get the story, they're really missing out.... it's a very in-depth story in itself. Caring for animals is a thousand times harder than caring for people, because you can't tell what an animal is really feeling. It's like trying to help someone when they speak another language, you just can't. So, I'll share a few photos from the shoot at Iron Horse Farms.. it was a very educational and crazy day full of running errands, and doing what seems everyday to one person and is an entire new world to others.

Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will. ~Vernon Howard