Sunday, October 11, 2009

been editing photos and playing all day.'t

"Have you ever driven down a road that you drive every day and you think to yourself... wait... did I miss my exit or something? this doesn't look familiar... and then you realize that it's not that you aren't paying attention this time, it's that you are, and every other time you were asleep" this was Kris's realization this morning while we drove towards base at 5 am. I decided to try to photograph the things one might miss on their way to and from work everyday. I plan on adding to this, considering I drop him off every once in a while :)
And so it goes,

Early to rise and early to bed
Makes a man healthy and wealthy and dead.
~James Thurber,
Fables for Our Times, 1940

we just can't seem to force ourselves to go to bed early, as if something at midnight will happen and we'll totally miss out. Like Cinderella backwards syndome. Wow. Okay, time for more editing of photos... hope you enjoy

Much love, KT

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