Monday, April 16, 2012


Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense. ~Mark Overby

I found this quote a while back and I always think about love like roses. Because it does hurt at times... and no, this isn't another sappy silly "my husbands on deployment" blog post. So, don't get out your tissues yet! :) However, you do everything for those you love, everything you possibly can.

Poor baby bear has been having a terrible time with diaper changing time. We have done everything.... letting her go naked, giving her special toys or books when she's getting it changed.... even singing ridiculous songs. Trust me, I have read about it, looking through magazines and blogs and a never-ending array of parenting references trying so hard to figure out why they HATE diaper changes. Here's my theory...

Other than being held down, I think it's that she is remembering more now.. she knows that it has hurt her in the past and now she hates it. well, this time, it has been completely terrifying because something that she has been eating has been giving her terrible booty rash.. like, to the point of her screaming and shaking and clinging onto me like i'm going to throw her into a big pit of molten lava with alligators floating in it... yeah, just like that... don't ask why the alligators don't melt... :) guess that's what makes it scary...

so, with motherhood comes a lot of learned things.. and one is definitely to get through thorns in your baby's life... sorry kid, i know you're crying and screaming but, I've gotta do this.. i'm sorry. and, quite honestly, if you had asked me to do this circus act 8 months ago, I would have run for the hills, but now, since it's an everyday occurrance, it is getting so routine.

I guess, in some kinds of love, the thorns are still there, but you build callouses on your hands to defend yourself against them so you can get to the real true love which is... a happy baby bear. :)

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