Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Coldstone.. kris's last ice cream

Tonight was our last dinner together for a while... Kris leaves for work tomorrow and he will be gone then for 6 months.

We went and ate mongolian grill and then had some coldstone creamery on the way home. Sometimes, it is the littlest things that really make you happy... and this wasn't exactly the littlest thing, but it was pretty great!! :)

We enjoy eating dinners together... We are a little old fashioned when it comes to this.. we like our little date nights, getting ready and going out to dinner together and enjoying each other's company. We will be that old couple you see in restaurants where they may not have anything to say to each other after 50 years of marriage, but they're still out to dinner together... enjoying the company.

So, we ate our ice cream and treated it like just another day.

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