Thursday, January 27, 2011

the best experience of my life...

So, sometimes, you can plan things to go the way you want, but they may not ever end up going the right way and even if they do.. yes, they may be a great experience or a great day. Well, if you would have asked me on Wednesday what Thursday would bring.. I could have told you absolutely none of this...

really this event was indescribable... I watched as a friend of mine gave birth.. Hardly knowing Adrianne, she asked me to be present for her baby girl's birth because our husbands are deployed together and she didn't have any family here.. well, it was the best surprise experience i have ever had. Yes, I spent 14 of her 24 hour labor curled up in a hard uncomfortable chair, ewalking the halls when i got antsy and trying to keep myself from being edgy because I'm pregnant and had a horrible headcold that was finally letting up. So, I spent long hours being very extremely uncomfortable... but, at the end of the day.... it was totally worth every second... wow.... I neevr thought in a million years that I would say that... I love kids.. I know I will be a great mom... but I hate babies.. always have.. they freak me out.. I feel like they look like aliens and I can never tell what they want when they cry and scream. Yes, I'm the one who loves the terrible twos... give me a running around child with a temper and I'm happy... a little football baby, scares the crap outta me!! But.. I guess now that i'm a little older, pregnant, and about hte have my own football, it's finally switched around... So, here she is... Baby "no-name" Hubbard! She should have a name in a few days, and I plan on photographing her next week!!! YAY!


  1. As the baby's great aunt, I thank you for being with her all that time and posting these beautiful pics! I hope to meet Adrianne and my new niece someday soon, in the mean time, looking forward to more pictures!

  2. Elissa- Austin's sisterJanuary 29, 2011 at 9:58 AM

    She is beautiful! I am so excited to be an aunt,and thank you for the amazing pictures! I am currently stationed on the other side of the country but hope I get to see the new baby soon!
