Wednesday, December 22, 2010

christmas cookies!

Kris and I decided to make sugar cookies and decorate them for x mas. Well, it was a pretty bad idea in doubling the batch, on top of making peanut butter chocolate chip cookies! Kris ended up eating cookies for dinner, and we managed to fill about 5 huge plastic bins with them!

So, anyone want some cookies? :)

We decorated them with sugar from the store but we only bought red and green, so I decided to make my own colors... which, I might add, went pretty well! I don't think I will ever buy colored sugar at the store again!

Here's also a picture of our cute little tree. Sad little guy's branches are almost touching the ground, but he looks pretty good :)
And, we try to teach Luna to wait while there's a cookie on her head and then catch it in the air. She is really good at it normally, but I think after hours of drooling over the cookies, she was a little impatient with us! Maybe I'll try it again tomorrow!

After four hours of cookie making... it's time for sleepies!

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