Monday, December 27, 2010

29 weeks...we are love.

So, here we are... getting down to the end of this wild trip of pregnancy. It has been a crazy few months, with graduating, moving, collecting my things from 3 different states and moving them into one house... living with my husband... pretty much for the first time since we share this name. now i don't have to plan my weekends, assignments, shoots and editing times around driving up to 7 hours in traffic in 103 degree weathr with no a/c... just to be able ot see him for a few hours. i guess i've really been a Navy wife all along :)

January will be 3 years now... i know it has been a rough road, but at least we know we can handle anything.

we're scared, we're full of excitement and we are questioning the road ahead...

we are love.

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