Saturday, November 10, 2012

Peace Love Swap

If you don't know about Peace Love Swap, well, you should. Because it's an awesome way to get a bunch of clothes toys and other random baby things, PLUS they have lots of vendors. And the proceeds go to charity. It's quite awesome, really. So, I set up a vendor table and did some photo booth photos of some people... here's a funny one of my personal assistant (ack-hem, the best ever)... I'll admit it, I did next to no photos for homecoming. I feel terrible about it, but I just can hardly get Clara dressed, much less get her out the door without drool, food or some unidentified spot on her... and then, Kris and I just spent the whole leave period at home, so we didn't really have a lot going on to photograph. Lots of cell phone footage, literally no camera photos on my professional equipment... wow... i'm such a slacker. So, I'll get back on it, I always do. :)

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