Tuesday, July 6, 2010

See Ya Soon's

So, from time to time in life, you have to conjure up the strength to let things go, walk away, and tell yourself everything will be okay. Yeah, I understand, totally. In the past few weeks I have come across many people in four different states who have missed me as I have missed them greatly. Sometimes, you pick up right where you left off, sometimes you just sit and look at each other and say "hmmm... maybe us not being around one another was a good thing...meant to be perhaps." But, either way.... I hate saying goodbye...

Did a little research. I guess goodbye is shortened old english for god be with ye... or perhaps the biggest question posed is.. When we get up we say "good morning" When someone goes to bed we say "Goodnight" and when someone leaves we say "goodbye" What's a bye?

Well, when I leave ones I love, I normally just say "See ya Soon"... or, take care... Also, because goodbye seems so final... like, it's over and I'll never see you again. So, I told Kris the other day.. "see ya soon" or "talk to you soon" is the way I want to end our conversations.. it's not a final thing.. it's not over yet... just putting it off until a further date.

When I say goodbye, it makes me sad... and no matter how many times I drive away, it always feels just as heartbreaking knowing time will elapse between goodbye and hello... but, you move on, smile, and just keep driving...

So, sorry if this was a little dreary, hope the image makes up for it. This was a great night of long exposures under streetlights. Last night in town for a while. I love you.

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