Friday, June 11, 2010

Materialism/ the food you eat..

I wanted to shoot more macro since the lens is available to me, and I chose to shoot this still life/food shots. I was really thinking about the way that a lot of wives (or spouses in general) take for granted their significant others and really don't think about all the non-material things that their spouse provides for them. For instance, produce that may only last a few days and supplies you with nourishment which is so much more important than the ring you wear on your finger, clothes you wear, or car you drive. Some people take these things for granted. So, materialism versus nourishment, I suppose. I started this series with the asparagus you saw in another post, but continued with tomatoes and corn, all three are staples in my diet right now, so I put them all up against jewelry which bears a significant cost in value or importance, wedding ring, one that was handed down and a designer ring. The question of value then comes into play, although you may only get one ring in your life or perhaps you have a collection of jewelry, is that really more important than all of the tomatoes, asparagus and corn that can supply your body what it really needs to survive? Yes, all women to some extent love diamonds, jewelry and sparkly things... and I know I would never turn down jewelry, I'm not saying you're horrible for liking jewelry, I'm just trying to remind you that everything in life that you are given you should hold on the same level as those sparkly things you wear once in a while and then keep in a box.

so, i will photograph the series once I'm done, but I printed these for my final in Alternative Processes and transferred them onto aged paper and am going to mount them onto wood as plaques to remind people that they should appreciate everything in their lives a little more....

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