Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ashley and Mike and co.

So, I've known Ashley for years, I met the first set of twins when they were 3... and they were my little hip attachments for a while. It was a challenge to get them all to cooperate together for photos, but here's a few from the shoot that I liked best.

Thanks again, Ashley, Michael, Tyler, Megan, Madi, Christopher, and Joseph for becoming a piece of my blog. :)

The Ruark girls

I had a lot of fun chasing Jessica's little ones around. Although it was the hottest day of the year, (honestly of my life I felt like..) a few shots came out pretty happy. Peyton was just a little ham. Mackenzie was being a little shy so I had to capture a few while she was playing on the jungle gym. Thanks for bearing the awful heat with me Jess!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Amelia The Great!

She goes down in history for being the greatest baby ever! She smiles, laughs, and even cuddles with you. I had a great time visiting Jordan and Ange out in Thomson SC... and then I drove the long way home, and it was a beautiful day outside.

When I got home to my mom's house it rained and shined at the same time... this rainbow came and both sides of the arc went on each side of the yard, as if the rainbow was there just for us to see.

What a beautiful day... great people, good times, and great smiles had by all.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Katie and Garrett Budds' wedding!!

The most beautiful wedding I have seen. Two people who are in love beyond explanation. What a great time I had! The wedding was located at the McCord family's house, it was so pretty, way too hot, but otherwise phenomenal.

So many photos taken, it was hard to pick just a few to post.