Sunday, July 29, 2012

the gardens :)

I just love this place. Norfolk Botanical Gardens is so pretty. Our membership has been paid for itself. It's so nice to have a beautiful place to photograph and visit... too bad everytime I line up a perfect shot and put Clara down she runs away... Gone are the days that I could just throw her in the grass and shoot a bunch of photos... yep... now she just runs away! But, for now, the action shots are fun too!
The photo of her next to the flowers, she was talking to the bumble bees... they apparently had a lot to talk about, she stood there for over 20 minutes laughing and babbling to them :) smelling the flowers and then talking some more.

Friday, July 27, 2012

before a night out on the town

Before our night out for a dinner date with the girls, we snapped a few photos in the yard. I just love those little chunky legs.. :) Who can resist them? She's getting so used to posing for me now, and I love it. I hope she's always this cooperative... phew. PS...don't tell her she has a clip in her hair because she will yank it right out!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I DUNNO?!?!?

If you ask Clara something she doesn't know the answer to, this is your response.. hahha only my child. :)
I LOVED this outfit when I got it for her... I just love a baby girl in red.. :) Plus, you notice, one of her favorite toys... a stick... the child has hundreds of toys but nope, just a stick will do. :)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

our smiley baby

My she always be so happy. Our baby girl is just too funny. She is always laughing, joking and now even trying to tell me jokes in her own language... Her contagious giggle just keeps me going through the day. I honestly am not even sure that laughing exists outside of her beautiful smile. It's infectious. Everyone laughs with her and if you don't and she notices... she will laugh harder and LOUDER until you smile... she's an entertainer already... I have a feeling I'm in for it :) "Mrs. Nichols, we are calling from school to tell you Clara won't stop laughing..." hahah yep, that'll happen soon. Also, everytime my phone rings she "answers" it... putting her hand to her head and saying "LOOO??? LOOOOWWWWWW?????" hahah

Saturday, July 21, 2012

beauty in acontrapposto stance

A figure of beauty :) Yeah, most people wouldn't understand what was meant when I stated that Clara was standing in a contrapposto (counterpose) stance. I guess for a little while there I was a bit of an Art History nerd. Yeah, me, a nerd... hard to imagine, right? Considering I graduated Magna Cum Laude... yeah, yeah. Anyway, so I notice this stance a lot. In fact, it's pretty much the way I stand constantly. But, it used to be seen as a beautiful stance, such as that of the ROmans and Greeks in their sculpture. Normally Children don't stand this way, but she probably learned it from me. I stand this way a lot out of favoring my left leg because of my bad foot... so much for image of beauty I guess I would be limping along if I didn't stand "beautifully" :) anyway... here's a bit of Art History for you, David, Leda and the Swan and Venus de Milo... all in the contrapposto stance... oh yes, and my beautiful girl rocking her mermaid tie dye shirt that we made for her along with lots and lots ofother tie dye treasures. :)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Basdikis Family

this beautiful family stole my heart on friday. their little girl, was so scared of me and the camera, but I definitely captured her beautiful spirit. :) Their newborn is unlike any newborn I have ever seen, she wants to be awake for all of her photos!! It was a beautiful time and definitely challenging to get a smile, but I got a few!! :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

unplanned photos.

I've said this many times before, but sometimes the most unplanned photos turn out the best. Clara looked cute with her messy hair and polka dots today. I couldn't help but snap a few of her :)

Monday, July 9, 2012

ga and sc

We took a very brief trip to SC and GA to go to a family reunion and got to see Clara's Aunt Katie and get a cuddle and Uncle Jordan and get a tour of the firehouse. Although she barely sat still in the 103 degree weather at the firehouse, I still was able to capture a couple laughs.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

sunflowers and water

My little girl loves the outdoors.. and water....and sunflowers, apparently. She runs over to talk to her sunflower buddy just about every day... it's the cutest thing. She peeks around it as if she's expecting it to open it's eyes. :)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Sleepy girl

I was given an assignment by one of my godmothers. She has a frame that says "Nap Like You Mean It" and she bought it because it has a little girl in it that is passed out with one leg ropped up against that back of the couch... zonked out. :) Well, she said she just couldn't have a frame of someone else's kid, and that my assignment was to capture a photo of Clara sleeping for the frame. For now, these will have to do. Bu I will get another funny one soon. You really take these small moments for granted. Clara woke up at 530 this morning and Momma was NOT ready for that.. so I grabbed her and brought her into my bed to cuddle a little while, she laid on my chest for a long time before I got way too hot and moved her to the other side of the bed. I didn't think she would fall asleep there, but she did. So I immediately surrounded her with pillows while I went and got ready. Our bed is on a platform, it's a long fall! Trust me, there have been times when I wasn't happy about how tall it is! She just looked way too sweet to not capture this moment with her. Ugh... I love that girl. And, seriously, Whats NOT to love?