Sunday, May 13, 2012


I remember growing up, I was a screamer and crier and man oh man, I would cry every second of every day if things didn't go my way. And, quite honestly, I didn't grow out of that until later in my childhood, like, my 20's hahah I would cry about all kinds of things. Just a bad day or something ridiculous. .I even remember one time when I was about to learn how to drive having a meltdown about raccoons on the side of the road and how I was so depressed that they wee being hit by cars. Yes, i was an emotional wreck. I'm not sure if it had to do with puberty or just being stressed out or what. it just would happen. i think i was under the understanding that love and life had to involve crying otherwise it wasn't worth it. but, the thing that used to make me the most mad, and i can remember lots of instances of this, was if i was upset and someone laughed at me. first, i would realize that i was ridiculous..."KT, seriously? they're laughing because you're overreacting or acting like a baby." but, still crying, i would then realize that i had to prove my point, so i would continue crying... and sometimes i would even forget what i was crying about... i mean, i can remember these moments... crying to get what i wanted and realizing there's no possible way to save the lives of raccoons without putting nets around all highways (yes, I even thought of that) or inventing some kind of scent to scare animals away from the highways. either way... i know my parents stood by and laughed a lot of times and now, when clara makes her little pouty face, i do the same. i mean, really you have to smile at her, because if you start to act sad, she will instantly feed into it and cry and pout... so, i've started training her, when she bumps her head or something makes her upset, i laugh and cheer for her... at daycare, when other babies cry, she now thinks it's a good idea to laugh at them... i dunno if that's good or bad. but, these two photos are a perfect example.. first a pout, then momma made her laugh. she has an amazing laugh and personality, i just love that we can make each other laugh and smile all day just because. Thanks for making me a Momma, baby bear, you're the best. i'm one lucky gal.

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