Wednesday, November 30, 2011

ENter too! I'm trying to win!

they're doing a Canon camera give a way.. I think I deserve it!! :)

Thanksgiving 2011

Kris' idea was to put Clara on the table with the turkey... and I'm not too sure who's idea it was to give her the leg... but, she loved checking out all the new things and was infatuated with the green leafy stuff (kale) That's my girl! :)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

clara's first time eating Sand!

it's been a while since I had such a busy day of doing nothing with myself and the baby.... today was one, and it was great! WE went to the beach for baby bear's first time of crawling in the sand.... it was hilarious, and then when we came home she napped for almost 2 hours and then i was able to go to dinner with my friend Abby after running around to different places getting some things she needs for the underway.... phew. here's some of me and the girls at the beach :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Crazy hair

Dear Clara of the Future...

I promise that Mommy and Daddy did NOT style your hair like this... you're naturally this awesome to have a mohawk at the ripe ole age of 8 months.

Bedtime routine

Wanna put yourself in a scary situation? Try photographing a baby in a bathtub on their level... :)

Every night that Daddy is home from work, he bathes Clara and reads to her, we will miss these moments while he's deployed... aren't they the cutest? :)

Cheesy Christmas Photos

So, I figured since I have done a few family's Christmas photos, that I would try to do a few of our own... which, if anyone has seen our past year's card, normally turns out pretty hilarious. I think last year we skipped it because we were so busy with the shower, but... we try to make the most ridiculous cheesy card possible.

So, this year, having a baby seems like it would be super easy to be cheesy... the verdict is still out... I mean, she's cute, and that kinda ruins it... I sat her next to the grinch and she hugged it and smiled.. Next to the Christmas tree??? nope, she wants to eat the candy cane (that's from her Daddy) Not even too sure what she's doing with her penguin.... looks like she's trying to pose for a cheesy photobooth shot, which, could work i guess... argh...Well, we will try again and post more soon.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

November Afternoon-sneak peek

At times, when you're photographing kids, you just have to roll with the punches :) These beautiful girls were so sweet and smiled and laughed and we had a good time rolling around in the grass together. I adored these little ones so much. Another important part of portraits are easy going families. I normally only sneak peek one photo, but these few moments with these girls were so endearing, I couldn't help it. What a beautiful family, and great way to spend a November afternoon. More to come.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Beautiful girl(s).

Kris and I have not up to this point bought the baby anything more than a toy or something here and there. So, we went on a little shopping spree the other day and bought her a few new things for winter/fall season. I'm pretty happy with them :) She got a bunch of warm stuff, and I must say, having sleeves on her arms really confuses her at times. Well, I wanted to photograph her but was squeaking a toy, so luna was very interested, so.... up on the bed she jumped and I said... what a better time than to snap a photo of my girls... aren't they cute??? well, I'm a bit biased I suppose.

the other photo if of my baby's toes... i'm not attracted to toes in any way... in fact, feet kinda gross me out (may be my heightened sense of smell) but for now... my baby's toes are my slight obsession. Every time I see them I can't help but grab them and love on them and smile...

Our baby girl is getting sooo big! Still no crawling, except backwards, and lemme tel you, she can MOVE!... we need one of those beepers for her, cause she's always bumping into everything around the house.

I seriously just can't get enough of her, she's the best.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

We decided to stay home and pass out candy for Halloween. So, our friend Abby came and helped and we watched as the kids ran around. Next year will be your turn, baby girl... but for this year, we needed to stay in (cause mommy and daddy would have ended up eating all your candy by ourselves!)

So, we bundled up and got you ready for the cold and headed out to the porch to watch the trick or treaters, and gave you a treat of your own! :) (Note: She didn't eat a snickers bar... we just let her chew on it for a while, and she actually loved it!)