Saturday, August 27, 2011

hurricane Irene

We sat in our house watching the hurricane go by... so much drama and planning and freaking out that people did and all we did was lose power for 2 days....everyone worried about us, since we are only .5 miles from the beach, but... the worst part was losing power and not being able to go outside. so, when it calmed down, we took Clara outside for a bit and she was soooo happy! That child LOVEs to be outside!! notice in the background our yard covered in leaves... it was at least three times this much before the end of the storm... lots of yardwork to be had by all.

so.. in our hot sticky house... we kept Clara cool by leaving her in as little clothes as possible. It makes me laugh that she is just like her dad, they could be happy running around in their underwear if I let them.

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