Thursday, July 28, 2011

Couldn't be Happier

So, Kris came home from deployment and since then I must admit, I've been slacking in the photo department. I suppose when you spend 6 months without your best friend, it's hard to take time away to photograph, edit and post. But, they're coming everyone, they're coming. Today we are going to try to get s bunch of stuff done around the house, which loosely translated means I'll probably get sidetracked and work on something else. :)

So, here's one of my favorite photos (taken by my Father-in-law) from the pier and another one of my favorites of my babies in front of our home.

Today I will photograph more... promise.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Welcome Home Daddy!

We were so happy that the 15th of July finally came and Daddy came home from deployment. I'm going to post more photos soon from this wonderful day, but for now, here's a snapshot of us.

And also, my favorite picture of my loves. :) they're the best.

Daddy's Girls

I'm honestly not sure which one of these beautiful girls are more excited for Daddy to come home! :)

Vivian and Audrey Revisited...

Finally got around to editing and sending off the pictures of the twins :) These are my two favorite photos of them :) I know I posted them as a montage previously. But, these are just little glimpses into their beautiful little personalities. I just love how two beings born at the same exact time and having the same basic genetic make up can become so different in looks and personalities :)

Justin and Tara's engagement

I know I posted their photos a while back, but I'm finally getting around to re-visiting them and getting it sent out. It has been a month since I have edited and gotten photos out to everyone that I took. So... here's one of them that I found a favorite.

Sometimes, two things need to happen with a photo session.. First off, the fact that you need to revisit what youve taken, at times I go back and find that the ones I chose are not necessarily the best ones at first... but going back to them you find a new love for ones, like this one, with an off moment of this beautiful couple just being in love and laughing and having fun... you never know! also, knowing that your favorites may not be the ones that others like either.. this is why I prefer to take lots, edit lots, and give everything to my clients! Lots of choices!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Baby Bear's almost 4 months!

Times have changed in my little one's lifetime... and she's only almost 4 months. Friday she gets the best present of all for her 4 month birthday :) She gets to meet her Daddy... it's going to be awesome to have him home. She will definitely not be the only one who is excited!

Tonight before I gave her a bath, I realized I've been so busy with photographing everyone else that I haven't taken too many shots of her. So, I threw her on the bed, made a complete fool of myself, and she laughed and I shot away... But, I wanted to compare it to the first one, taken less than a week after she came into this world... man, I think she's gotten a little more personality now, don't you think? Happy almost 4 months little baby bear... you amaze me more and more every day.

The beautiful twins: Vivian and Audrey!

I had the pleasure of spending the afternoon with Vivian and Audrey... They are amazing little girls :) SUCH personality, these little girls! Mom and Dad have their hands full with these girls! I have so many I couldn't decide what to post! I'll post more very soon, but the Bear is a little jealous right now!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!

I plan on taking some more photos of my lil firecracker, but for now these will have to do... she got to put her feet in the rivah... meet her great great Uncle and Aunt and her Great Aunt.. and all her cousins!! she had a good time, even if she was a lil cranky. :)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Clara's Cereal

My little girl has so much personality... I guess she gets it from her Daddy!