Sunday, September 26, 2010

Megan and Byrne Klay

So, portfolio review has come and gone, and now it's time for the real fun stuff. I've finally made some progress on getting the weddings edited and sent out that I have been working on. Here's a few from Megan and Byrne's wedding that I liked the best. There were so many, it was hard! The wedding took place in a Charleston Theatre so it was super dark and very hard to photograph. The decorations and style were sort of Tim Burton-esque. And instead of just a boring wedding singer or band or DJ, these folks (who are wonderful musicians themselves, check them out at had three separate bands play. Holy Ghost Tent Revival closed the set and it felt like they played for over two hours, I'm not too sure, lost track of time running the photo booth. If you were at the wedding, you can find photos for purchase at

I was honored to be a part of your wedding, you guys are the best ever. and Trust me, everyone should laugh and cry at the altar, it was beautiful. And Byrne, your brother gave the best Best Man speech I have ever heard... thanks for inviting me into your family for the day.

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