Sunday, February 26, 2012


A and V's party was a success, until this crazy girl had too much cake.. hahah this picture cracked me up :)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday, A and V!!

Are they adorable, or what? These girls were born a month before Clara and they together almost equal her weight... it's incredible how different babies can be same in age but way different in size. I find it amazing the difference only a few weeks makes. With twins, it's a totally different ballgame, but either way, these little girls amaze me. I'm so glad I got to be a part of your little get-together! Can't wait for secrets, tea parties and your first big fight over the same toy with Clara. (I know you already fight now, but in a nonverbal way :))

Friday, February 24, 2012

Beach Trip, yep, in February

Seems funny that the previous post had photos of snow... well, welcome to our part of the world. I swear, I have a jacket and a pair of flip flops in the trunk at all times, because I never know what's going to happen out there!!

Clara cheered Luna on the entire time, it was so funny. She has seen Luna play fetch hundreds of times and still finds it absolutely hilarious. :)

Snow in Ocean View!!

It hardly snows here and sticks, so I had to take advantage of the tiny bit we got. :) Clara was unsure of it, and she definitely didn't like the fact that her hands were covered up!!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

birthday party

Due to the upcoming deployment, we had to have Clara's birthday party a month early... she had a very long day but was so good. she wouldnt even destroy her cake (which is what everyone expected)

Friday, February 17, 2012

out of commission....SORRY!

I had to take advantage of time not working to get my equipment up to date... but I'm back in business... looking forward to shooting more photos :) Of course, of my baby girl!

I vow to take out my camera at least 3-4 times a week... It's hard because she's into everything these days :) and when she sees me she runs.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

ponytail girl

her first day with a ponytail. Momma has waited for this for a long time! Finally the mohawk is no more :) Well, it's still under there,