Saturday, June 30, 2012

My girls

These girls are my life. I don't know what I would do without them. :) They make me smile like no other... They are my rock when my hubs is halfway across the world. I love you guys :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

all in a half day's work.

About 3/4 of the way into last deployment, I started watching Army Wives. For what ungodly reason, I'm unsure... but, it was something to pass the time and keep my mind on the fact that life could always be worse. Well, I just watched the last episode and it really made me mad. Basically, two wives went away for a weekend and were mugged while on vacation and another one is pregnant and there's lots of other underlying stories, but I was mainly upset about the mugging instance and it really got me thinking. First and foremost, what about all of the wives at home who don't need to go to a "beach house resort" to be mugged... What happens when your husband goes away and leaves you behind and you HAVE to deal with life things on your own. Well, The producer of Army Wives needs to know you don't need to go far to find a plot during a military wive's life... Please, let me give you an insight into my life for the past few days.. I wake up in a pool of sweat, it's 100 degrees outside and my air conditioner won't work... great... So, I get up and feed the baby and shower and head out the door. I get to work and am relieved to spend the day in an air conditioned hospital. Phew. Well, then the thought of going home to a hot house wasn't very conforting and inviting... so, I pack up the necessities and head up north....only to realize if I want the flowers my husband sent for our anniversary not to sit ont he porch, i have to turn around and get them.....which ends up adding 1.5 hours onto the drive due to traffic... I spend the weekend up there and come back this morning.... this is where it gets great and fun and exciting... ...No sooner do I get in the car and Clara starts... talking, singing, screaming, begging for toys that I can't reach to hand her, hitting the dog, some more screaming, then there's the fact that I can't take a sip of anything or even chew a piece of gum without her acting like a crazy starved child...Now, I must add that she would have cooperated a lot better had I not been stuck in 2 hours of DC traffic on the way think traffic is hard? Try having a screaming child in your ear... So, we sang Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes and the ABC song until I was just about to explode....finally traffic lets up and we get home...almost 6 hours instead of the normal under 4 hour trip... Get home, have to unload the car that is now as if you tried to cram all the toys in toys r us into a clown car and then add in half a grocery store of puffs and cereal and crackers... fun time... Get the car unloaded, start some laundry, unpack all of the random things you've shoved into different bags along the way, set up the baby monitor, check the milk for the date expires, tomorrow.....there IS a god! FInally get Clara down for a nap....time to cut the grass, but first I need a break this is where I watched my recorded episode of Army Wives....ugh...pitiful This ends and I go out to cut the grass... no biggie, it's actully not in NEED of a cut, but I had to take advantage of the day because I work everyday for the next week except one where I have a session...busy busy... so, I cut the grass, get almost done and realized the monitor isn't working because the battery died. I only noticed this because Clara was watching me through the window near her crib screaming and banging on the window.... so... I finish as fast as I can because it's either finish now or I have to put her in the carrier and take her along... Get everything cleaned up, come inside, wipe down because I don't dare get in the shower, that will be VERY unproductive with a toddler... feed her and then finish the 5 loads of laundry... This is all in one section of a day.... take that, army wives.... oh, and also, did i mention the fact that there is a bee's nest growing under my flower bed that I got swarmed by... or possibly the fact that I stepped in dog crap as I was coming into the house? Or even the fact that when the lady fixed our AC over the weekend she left the hose nozzle in the yard and I ran it over with the lawn mower and almost knocked myself out... Now I'm sitting at my computer and having to send out the emails and check up on work stuff... fun times.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

My beautiful life.

June 22 marks 3 years of being able to call myself Mrs. Nichols. I have moved 3 times, had a beautiful daughter, graduated college,been through one and half deployments and grown in more ways than I had ever hoped or dreamed. For our anniversary, Kris sent me flowers from deployment, "happy" daisies for our happy little family. Well, it just so happened that I had packed this dress for our mini vacation to Maryland. If you ask me, I don't think I could have planned it any better. Sometimes things in life happen this way... Clara and her dress, me and Kris's entire relastionship. It seems like the more you plan, the more let down you are when things don't go your way. So, in our family we tend to just go with the flow in hopes we will have great outcomes. In my book, we have the GREATEST results... a happy, healthy family full of love and laughter. What else can we ask for?


My little girl has decided that answering the phone is a pretty cool thing. :) She normally picks it up and says "Daddy?? Gramma?? Mommy??" She's so funny with her little things she is learning.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Suffolk with Clara

Clara and I went to a friend's house for dinner down in Suffolk. Saw the light in this field and couldn't pass it up. :)

Clara's Self Portraits

I decided to let Clara take her own photos today... I set my camera on timer and gave her the remote.. then I just moved the camera around her. It worked out perfect because she liked the response of the flash and I was able to distract her from knowing she was being photographed :)

Clara's 15 months old!

I can't believe our baby girl is already 15 months! I cannot believe she is still somewhat okay with getting her photo taken... notice I said Somewhat...haha She has an attention span of a gnat sometimes... but, she's good other times. :)

Tall Ships Norfolk

We went to see the Tall Ships in Norfolk. Clara toured one of the ships. We tried to convince one to bring Kris home, but... no luck!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Horsey Time

Giddy-Up!! Clara didn't seem to mind at all that she was riding barebacked...

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Festival in Hampton

PIRATES!!! Okay, not really, but, the Pirate Festival in Hampton was a lot of fun for Clara. She thought the whole festival was there for her... "Look Momma... they're singing to me!" She was so good and passed out on the way home. What a great time we had with Gramma at the pirate festival.

Clara in the Pool

Clara loves the water. When she was teeny tiny I called her my little mermaid. Well, times haven't changed one bit.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Gardens with Gramma

The botanicl gardens trip was fun, but even MORE fun with Gramma in town. Took a little time off from blogging to spend time with Gramma and get Clara all healed up from her attack of bumps. But, as soon as we were sure she was healing up, we headed to the gardens to get outside and let her play.