Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Clara in the dirt

Whenever we get dressed up to go anywhere, Debbie was always putting us in front of trees or flowers or somewhere with the right coloring to show up in the photos... So, we got used to it quickly. I think this is what helps me when I'm finding a location for a photo. After we attended Deanna's wedding, I figured since we were all dressed up, we should take a few photos. Again, this dress was a hand me down from one of my friends, and Natalie wanted Clara to wear it. So... we put it on her and she looked pretty darn cute :) And, then Mommy threw her into the dirt under a tree to photograph her! :)

I was so proud of my little girl though! She got her foot in the dirt and curled up her toes into it! :) Kris said it's the "true southern girl coming out in her"... So, here it is! My little girl's first time in the dirt!

Natalie and Clara

When I moved to Arlington, I found a place on craigslist... I set up and arranged everything with the roommate of which I was replacing. So, I only had met my actual roommate over the phone. Yes, it was odd, yes I was a little nervous whether it would turn out or not, but it did... and through living there for a year, I got a great friendship out of the mix. Natalie has been my "husband" for a lot of the time that Kris has been gone. In fact, I have probably lived with her longer in total than I lived with Kris. I used to lean in the doorway of her bedroom before bed and we would laugh and talk and debate about all kinds of things. Sometimes we would disagree, but every conversation we had usually ended up with a smile and a great time. And through our conversations I have learned lots of things about religions, ways of the world I didn't know about, I even went to a friends birthday party where every person that was there sang Happy Birthday in another language...
Not many people can say that about a friend, roommate or their "husband"... guess I really lucked out.

Angry Butterfly

Some call this torture.. I cal it training.. :) One day she will be able to have her photo taken without the "fake" smile that everyone has at some point in their life. There are those that are photogenic and there are those that are not... I'm training her to be ready for the future... and trust me, there will be plenty of times when she will be photographed! :)

No, it's not Halloween, but as a hand-me-down I was given this... so as I went through her hand me down clothes I decided I should dress her up in it before it was too late! :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Tummy Time

Clara Bear... Climbing Mt Pillow!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Ready for summertime!

Although this bathing suit will probably only fit today, it seems like she grew overnight so I wanted to squeeze her in to get one last photo with it before she's too big :( Honestly, she slept yesterday for most of the day and today it is like she grew a foot. No more 3 month onesies... we are onto 3-6 months :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Graminator's Quilt

Look Gramma! I'm growing into my quilt! :) Thanks so much!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Day Osama Announced Dead..

Clara got a little patriotic.. :) We love A-Murr-I-Ka! :) With Popeye as Daddy and Rosie the Riveter for a Mommy, how could she NOT love America? :)