Sunday, February 27, 2011

hurry up and wait... it's an ongoing thing.

In the military they always refer to the hurry up and wait... which is exactly how I feel. I rush around all over town getting all kinds off stuff done, setting up the nursery that the baby won't even use for months, getting everything ready and set... and then, I just sit and wait.

I made the bad decision in telling everyone I was dilated 3 cm and lost my mucus plug... so now everyone is freaking out... texting calling and emailing, trying to find out what's going on with me. Well, I'm not... nothing's happening... calm down!!! So, I took bets on when she would come. Just like Mary Poppins... "For every job that must be done there is an element of fun, you find the fun, and SNAP the job becomes a game!"

So, I'm pretty excited and ready for the baby to come, me to get home and everyone to leave so I can just be here with the baby and Lu and relax and rest and get into a routine. NOT that I'm upset about everyone coming.. it's great and I feel very loved, but, I just want to have my space back. I guess I'm a pretty independent person when it comes to my house.

No matter what I say to everyone, it seems like I might end up hurting feelings in some way. I mean, yes, having everyone around is nice, but honestly, I'm okay...

So, here's the list of bets!

Lauren 3/2/11 at 4:12AM
BO 3/11/11 at 11:00AM
DT 3/6/11 at 2:00AM
CT 3/4/11 at 1:00AM
Rosey 3/5/11 at 6:00PM
Lucy 3/5/11 at 6:00AM
Paula 3/10/11 at 5:20AM
Kyle 2/27
Ashley 2/27
Katie Budds 3/5
Beth Baum 3/2
Jennie 3/1
Terri 3/5
Cara 3/2
Rebecca 2/27
Jessica Ruark 3/1
Michelle 2/27
Frank 2/27
Charisse 2/27
Mary Lou 3/1
Lisa 3/8
Keith 3/4
Nichole 3/1
Fred 3/17
Mike 2/27
Gramma 3/10 1804
Kyle--second guess-- 3/1
Dylan 3/7
Michelle 3/2 4 pm... re-guess
Sonya March 9th, 3:00 AM
Ange 3/3 which was Amelia's real due date!

Most of the guesses will be null and void at sundown!! Better bet again! :)

Now it is posted and everyone can see if they are close or right or something... Maybe there will be a door prize !!! like... something special from Clara herself! We'll see....

If I could place my own bet I would say either 3/3 or 3/11 but that's just because I like those numbers :) We'll see.....

No one has shared 3/3 with me! :) But, I also know that 3 am is Clara's favorite time of day... so we'll see!

The most common day to be born is wednesday... least common is sunday (but a lot of this has to do with inducing and scheduled c sections.)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

kris's trip to portugal

here's a picture of Kris's camera pictures from portugal :) isn't it beautiful! I stitched together 4 photos to create this awesomeness... guess I rubbed off on him a little :)

Charlotte's photos cont.

Charlotte was a great subject for some pregnancy photos done this week in her house in Hampton. She was such a sport too, it was downright chilly outside. and she was okay with using one of her famous handmade shawls and braving the cold! Can't wait to meet those twin girls!! :) She said she doesn't smile well for pictures... guess I must be funny looking... but I like a lot of the smiley ones the best :) guess we'll see which ones she likes!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Three years of trying and heartache" but the outcome is forever!

I was introduced to Charlotte through a mutual friend and this was the first time I really got to connect with her and talk to her one on one. Her and her beautiful twins-to-be-belly! :) She was so patient with me, and posed for a pregnancy photo I have wanted to do for a long time. :) I couldn't thank her enough. So, here is one photo from the shoot. I will post more tomorrow. As most women say "I'm not photogenic at all, I hate smiling." Well, she'll be surprised to see the outcomes I think.. :) Can't wait! I'm so happy to meet the twin baby girls! She should have them close to the same time Clara is born, looks like we will be making a field trip to photograph them!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Baby Vivienne.. 2 weeks.

I was lucky enough to photograph this little one on her first day in the world, and now at two weeks... I must say, I was expecting her to lose some of that hair, but I guess not... still a full head of beautiful hair! Adrianne says if you have heartburn then it means the baby will have hair... we'll see.. I've had a bit but off and on.. :)

Vivienne watched me everywhere I went while I was talking to her. I'm not sure if she remembered me from her first day or not.. But, she was very attentive for 2 weeks old!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sara's pregnancy photos.

I've made great friends with Sara over the past few weeks. We decided ont he first nicer day out we would go out and take some photos. It was a bit bright on the beach and we were on a bit of a time restraint with a 2 year old running around :) But, she made for some hilarious pictures as well. I love the picture of Sara posing and Autumn running around in the background... she is so entertaining... What better way to start off a day, I get in their car and Autumn screams with excitement.. "Look how cute you are!" hahahaah she's so much fun. Well, here's a few shots of us preggo women on the beach/park... We are due the same week! So, as you can imagine, we have a lot in common right now.

day two with Baby Hubbard...

I forgot I had taken these few photos of the Baby on her second day in the world! I'm doing more this week and can't wait!

Baby room.. finishing touches.. 30 days left!

Since Kris won't be here for the baby's baby time, I wanted to hang some photos on the wall of both of us, but there are adult pictures of us everywhere, so I decided I wanted to scan in photos of us as babies and hang them... see if she looks more like him or me :)

My mobile is from and the poms are made of paper... some were made by Katie Hansen for my shower, and some were ordered by Debbie from etsy... I will have more of them hanging around the windows once I get some curtain rods hung. They're so pretty to me.... simple things.. :)

So, finishing touches are being added, one by one! :) So exciting... 30 days til my due date! We're ready for you Clara!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Baby belly and tattoos...

This photo made me happy. :) It says a lot about me... permanence, colors, a change, beauty, hope.. .

Little knowledge... Sailors used to get swallow tattoos as a symbol of hope, because when you're out to sea and you see birds you know land is near. Got these tattoos long before I ever knew I'd be married to a sailor. Now that I am, I almost wish they were visible. I wanted my birds to be more of a cartoon type bird, similar to those in Snow White or Cinderella. I used to love the scenes where the animals would help out and take on personalities.