Sunday, December 26, 2010


As Kris and I are snowed in, I'm going to catch everyone up on some blogging... sorry I've been so busy lately... but, here's the start to my blog-fest.

So, after almost 9 years of off and on college, I've finally made it through. On December 15th I graduated Summa Cum Laude (3.9 gpa) from the Art Institute of Washington. It was a long 24 hours that included driving to MD (4 hour drive) to grab a few hours sleep, then heading into DC at 5 am to set up for our portfolio show, standing around for hours and hours, then finally at 530pm we graduated.... then I had to pack up and head home only to realize that I left my wallet at a gas station in Alexandria.... well, I didn't realize it until the following day... which was during a snowstorm, I might add. What an eventful life...never a dull moment.

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