Monday, December 27, 2010

29 weeks...we are love.

So, here we are... getting down to the end of this wild trip of pregnancy. It has been a crazy few months, with graduating, moving, collecting my things from 3 different states and moving them into one house... living with my husband... pretty much for the first time since we share this name. now i don't have to plan my weekends, assignments, shoots and editing times around driving up to 7 hours in traffic in 103 degree weathr with no a/c... just to be able ot see him for a few hours. i guess i've really been a Navy wife all along :)

January will be 3 years now... i know it has been a rough road, but at least we know we can handle anything.

we're scared, we're full of excitement and we are questioning the road ahead...

we are love.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

snow video!

Just threw together a bunch of videos and photos of our day of fun in the snow :) I'm still working through different videos so some are a bit cut off... but... next one will be better I promise!

clara's room... continued.

She is a VERY lucky (slightly spoiled) girl already!

The closet, those two containers, they are full completely of her clothes! Hand-me-downs from the best friends you can ever have! Thanks so much Ange & Jordan and Tara!! I seriously have gotten them out like 5 times and don't even know where to begin with sorting, organizing and going through everything....

The quilt is a quilt my very happy "grandmother" (my mom) made... it was awesome that everything came together, matched and looks so great together!

Now, we just need a baby!!!

Clara's Room!

Here's what I've been doing instead of blogging... been pretty busy! More to come soon!

Snowed in...

I asked Debbie how the snow was there.... because NORMALLY Maryland gets more snow than we do here on the coast! Well... her response? "just a skift of snow. So far we have the sidewalk and yards covered but the roads are clear. Do you guys have much on the ground?" Well, here's your answer :) hahaha

We had a good time running around in the snow... we'll see what happens tomorrow, Kris is supposed to go back to work tomorrow...

we made a snowman, snowangel, and just about froze luna :) she was so ecited about playing that she didn't care about shaking... we had to force her to go back in.


As Kris and I are snowed in, I'm going to catch everyone up on some blogging... sorry I've been so busy lately... but, here's the start to my blog-fest.

So, after almost 9 years of off and on college, I've finally made it through. On December 15th I graduated Summa Cum Laude (3.9 gpa) from the Art Institute of Washington. It was a long 24 hours that included driving to MD (4 hour drive) to grab a few hours sleep, then heading into DC at 5 am to set up for our portfolio show, standing around for hours and hours, then finally at 530pm we graduated.... then I had to pack up and head home only to realize that I left my wallet at a gas station in Alexandria.... well, I didn't realize it until the following day... which was during a snowstorm, I might add. What an eventful life...never a dull moment.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

the baby party

If you were at the party in GA, here's a link to some candid shots from the party.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

christmas cookies!

Kris and I decided to make sugar cookies and decorate them for x mas. Well, it was a pretty bad idea in doubling the batch, on top of making peanut butter chocolate chip cookies! Kris ended up eating cookies for dinner, and we managed to fill about 5 huge plastic bins with them!

So, anyone want some cookies? :)

We decorated them with sugar from the store but we only bought red and green, so I decided to make my own colors... which, I might add, went pretty well! I don't think I will ever buy colored sugar at the store again!

Here's also a picture of our cute little tree. Sad little guy's branches are almost touching the ground, but he looks pretty good :)
And, we try to teach Luna to wait while there's a cookie on her head and then catch it in the air. She is really good at it normally, but I think after hours of drooling over the cookies, she was a little impatient with us! Maybe I'll try it again tomorrow!

After four hours of cookie making... it's time for sleepies!

lunar eclipse

So, on December 21st, the winter solstice AND a total lunar eclipse occurred. This is the last time it will happen for something like 370 years! Kris and I decided it would be awesome to go out to the beach and watch it. So, I admit, it was totaly my idea, but he fell for it! So, we slept until 130 am and then got up to head to the beach which is less than a mile from our house. It was freezing out there, but we packed a lot of hot chocolate! Hope you enjoy some photos I took during our excursion!

As we were leaving, Kris and I were still excited about the fat that he, I, and Clara were able to experience something together that our grandkids grandkids won't be able to attend!

Guess I should explain a bit! A total lunar eclipse is when the earth's shadow covers the moon. This causes a full moon to "disappear" and then reappear, due to the lack of light from the sun. In the middle of this lunar eclipse, the moon shines a bright red to orange, depending on the amount of pollution in the atmosphere and your location. Ours wasn't too red to the naked eye, but my camera was able to capture some of the reddish tints.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

new house... new beginnings

So, the time has come. Graduation has ended, baby is developing perfectly and everything is great. This time of year is a fun and eventful time with the holidays and our baby party that went great in Georgia... such a great turnout! But, here it is... Kris's countdown til deployment. So, from here on out I will be trying to update my blog daily so that he can update himself when/if he is able to get to the internet.

I was told by a few people that I need to update more often... so, here it is... step one...

this is our new house! We spent over 14 hours shopping on black friday so we would be able to furnish a new place, and very economically as well... it was a long day for this new momma, but it's going great so far! New couches, tv, coffee maker, tables, bedroom suite.... and the list goes on and on. Not to mention collecting our personal belongings from every corner of the east coast so we were able to settle in quite nicely.

I will post some photos of the baby room son... don't you worry! :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


We're in the final stages of moving into our new home.. Lack of blogging will come to an end soon... In the midst of most of the house getting torn apart, I grabbed this shot of Kris as he was packing up and separating things after black friday...