Friday, April 30, 2010

ocean view

Ocean view is a beautiful beach at night. I took so many photos, here's my favorites. I love night exposures, they are so great to find light with. This poor little sailboat was just out there sleeping among the stars.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Portsmouth, VA

So, I drove to Portsmouth to be with Kris.. it was a much needed ride and very happy weekend. First night I got there we went downtown to photograph a bit :) too fun.I love this lightship! Everytime we go down there, it reminds meof the first time we went down there, right after he moved up, over a year ago now.

"Dang, the walkway is closed"

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Splash/Liquid Photos

Happy St Patty's Day! :) No, not really, but that was my theme for the Jameson shot and the champagne flutes are a wedding gift from my in-laws. The martini shot was fun, but needs work. Well, time for bed everyone. Long weekend ahead! I'm really hoping I will be allowed on the ship, and also I want to try to photograph the container ships.

Making these photographs really makes me miss bartending :( ugh.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Megan Jean and the KFB

Will post more soon, but this was my favorite from the shoot. They're so much fun and I had a blast doing on location shooting for their new look and then following them to Fredericksburg to shoot photos at a house party. Its was a long day, which explains the hundreds of photos from the day. I promise I will post more in a few days. Lots of editing, and working on a video too!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

night photos

Shot some more night shots with Sarah, we inspire each other :) it's nice to be able to relax and shoot photos, without a deadline or goal.

Monday, April 19, 2010

leftovers, I'll take 'em!

Natalie and I had crabs for the first time this season! Oh, Chesapeake Bay, how I've missed thee!

Splash photo demo

This is what I learned in class today. It's really fun! Don't worry, you'll see a bunch more online soon! I'm shooting more next week!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

wedding on St Michael's

Got to shoot a pretty Maryland-themed wedding. Even though the bride and groom weren't from Maryland, they had crabs, crabcakes, and even crab dip :) My kind of party :) Their wedding was low-key and intimate and was a beautiful setting and a bright sunny day. Here's a few of my favorite details from the wedding. Their Lab, Davis, was so cute, even though he was a little camera shy :)