Wednesday, December 30, 2009

National Harbor

Living in Arlington now, it's pretty sweet. I'm so close to so much history, national monuments, and things that some are never lucky enough to experience. Today we went to the National Harbor. It's on the Potomac in Maryland, but has a great view of the Potomac river. Inside the Gaylord hotel there is a 60 foot tall Christmas tree that was pretty awesome. The birds were outside along the walkway, and I just loved them :) There was also a sculpture that was there of a giant trying to break free from the earth. It was pretty chilly out, but the sky was beautiful.

Friday, December 18, 2009

hoping for snow.

Beauty, non photoshop, just the way it was.

When I was little I used to want snow all the time, I would wake up and check outside to see, and hope and pray school was cancelled, just like every other kid :) But, growing up in Maryland, the road probably had more salt on it than snow. Seems like they overreacted with precautionary procedures. So, been spending a lot of time watching movies and lettin my brain rot a bit before heading back to school. It has been a good break, I've enjoyed the last two months, spent a lot of time just alone with my thoughts. Here's some photos I took on a drive out to the country part of here. :) nothing special, just a few shots of found beauty. The pumpkins were being sold on the honor system, just place a dollar in, and take a pumpkin. When we decorated the house for x mas, those things were still alive and well, and I felt guilty throwing them away, but they were good little traveling pumpkins.

Monday, December 14, 2009

New York!

I have posted my New York CIty trip photos on here. There is lots to check out! I am kind of ashamed that I haven't kept up on this. Lots going on lately, but not to worry!! Kris and I have added a new addition to the family. Her name is Olive Oil, and she is a 5D Mark ii :) It's the greatest gift a girl could ever have hoped for! Although Kris may not have anything to wrap up for me to put under the tree this year, you don't see me complaining!!!

will update more soon.