Friday, February 7, 2014

Welcome Back!!!

Well, Where do I even start??? I've been absent for quite some time. After a while it begins to feel like WHY go back? Well, honestly, I like keeping everyone up to date on daily occurrences but, goodness, time flies! So, in a nutshell, here's why has happened since summer of last year!!! We moved into a bigger house, got another puppy (who is BIG now!!!), Clara is going to be 3 next month, I broke my foot and have healed it now, Kris is on shore duty so he spends a ton of time home now (YIPPEEEEE).... I'm sure there's a TON more to catch everyone up on, but for now... here's a couple shots from playing with our kids in the snow, YES... SNOW in Hampton Roads, Virginia! Guess it took snow to get me to update the blog... :) Here's the new girl, Daisy and Luna our "old lady" as Clara likes to call her. :)