Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A guilty dog

This is a photograph of a guilty dog. She knows she isn't allowed on the bed... But, she earned her name the "pillow monster" honestly... She will scout out anything, a blanket, pillow, even just the edge of a piece of something soft and will perfectly situated herself onto it. She's a sucker for soft things. :) In preparation for homecoming, I had cleaned the duvet and sheets and walked into the room to this... all I know is, it must have been awesome because the Pillow Monster wouldn't have seeked it out if it wasn't spectacular. Oh, Luna... you're such a spoiled rotten girl... instead of your Mommy yelling at you to get off the bed, she grabs her camera. . .

Sunday, October 21, 2012

8 month progression

Daddy has been gone for 8 months now. Here's a little progression of Clara since he left... according to my cell phone photos. :) When he left, she only had one tooth, wasn't walking and was about to turn 1.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

our little nature lover

Clara loves to be outdoors. When she was only a couple months old, we had front porch time. She would sit on my lap and we would read stories and rock on the front porch, sing songs, whatever... but she needed it. At 6 oclock until 7... every single night... the neighbors knew we were there, they would wave and smile... Now, all you have to do is say "outside" adn she willingly throws her hands up to put on her jacket and out the door you go, racing around the yard. Chasing after luna, even just sliding down the slide a hundred times. She doesn't care... She loves it, and everyday there's something new, new berries, new airplanes, different color cars.... I love to just watch her watch.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Charlotte finally came!

There's something to be admired about a smirk on a teeny tiny baby. In working as a newborn photographer in the hospitals, I must say, I really love baby expressions. So new and pure to this world, but still their little faces say so much. I've seen grumpy babies and happy babies and ones with so much personality. It never ceases to amaze me how expressive they are, straight out of the womb... well, I guess it makes sense, because Clara was smiling on her sonogram photos. :) Sweet precious, Charlotte. I cannot wait to see how your little life progresses over time. I photographed her before she was born! :)

Monday, October 1, 2012