Wednesday, August 29, 2012

something was funny...

...and it always is with her. :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

sad sunflowers :(

Picked up this dress on an end-of-season sale... I guess it's end of season for flowers too, this poor sunflower was the last one left. But, didn't keep Clara from talking to it. She just loves sunflowers.. it's a shame I only had one survive in our yard too! :(

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Lucy and Rosey

Aren't these girls cuties :) They are very cooperative and VERY used to being photographed... Going on 13 or 14 years (I can't remember) of being photographed for birthday, halloween, etc. you name it, they've been photographed in it!!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Clara getting ready for Daddy!!

We made Daddy a birthday present... I can't post the pictures here, because he will see it, but this is part of a present we did for Daddy while he is on deployment. :)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Great Minds...

First and foremost, this was the very first day our little girl made a basket in her new hoop! :) Secondly, here's a funny small WORLD story. My friend Natalie and I went to H&M to shop for Clara. I picked out this shirt it reads "I have a strong will and a stronger will not" I thought it was cute, being blue and pink and having an anchor. I dunno, I was just drawn to it. So I showed it to her but decided on another dress and other things. That day I went home and got a box from Kris!! SOOOO excited! He had been shopping in Dubai and bought her this shirt.... Great minds think alike, even if we ARE on the other side of the world from one another... too funny.

clara's smiles.

Botanical Gardens trip We keep saying we need to make a collection of Clara's extreme facial expressions. It only took this beautiful child a week to smile at her Momma.. not just gas and stretches and all the other reasons people say their kid smiles... no, i would laugh and she would smile... this facial expression reminds me a lot of Kris. I'm not too sure why.... but I can't wait to see them together making the same faces.

Zoo Trip

Took a trip to the zoo with Auntie Natalie. It was a lot of fun, but a little scary. I'm beginning to figure out that Clara is NOT afraid of ANY kind of animal... TIgers?? Nah, they just look cuddly (which I kinda have to agree! I've never been this close to one before either!) Monkeys??? Clara ran towards them "ooh oohhhhh aaahhh aaahhhh" making monkey sounds! Maybe when I'm having a bad day with her one day I'll just send her to the zoo so they can understand her! :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Mommy's birthday

For my birthday, I got a cold. Which in turn turned from us going to Busch Gardens to waiting to stay indoors which was probably a good thing because it HAILED while we painted pottery at Color Me Mine. Clara made a Fish sign for her room. Afterwards we had Pho Vietnamese Noodle Soup to clear out mommy's sinuses. When we start getting sick, we head there to get some soup. I swear it helps. :) But, it does cure an appetite!! YUM! Clara had bunny snacks with her dinner, she likes to kiss them first, don't you kiss your snacks first?

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Beach Day

Our baby girl who once would glare at the thought of getting her hands dirty.... LOVES the sand. And by love, I mean, she is a mermaid.... The child has no fear of anything that has to do with water, beach, etc. In fact, she was even chasing the seagulls... into the water! Oh how I love our crazy child... Oh, AND living at the beach!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Slides are fun... POUTY FACE

Seriously??? How can you possibly turn down that pouty face??? She's got the best lip ever! She got the hang of sliding down her slide today, but she needed help from the neighbor to teach her how to climb up the back. Sh ethought you had to climb up the slide in order to get back down.

Friday, August 3, 2012

The Riley Twins

Goodness these girls are cute.... It's so great to see babies and all their differences... These girls are very simlar in age to clara and combined they weigh as much as her. It's hilarious to look at them next to each other, Clara's SO huge!! But, these girls are just full of happiness and smiles. I had a good time stopping by and snapping a couple photos, nothing too formal, just some babies and a camera :) cute cute!

Expressive Clara

I LOVED this face Clara was making, "Mom, you're boring me" hahaha She just looked cute today in her little shirt her MeeMaw got for her. She kept tugging at it though, probably thinking "what the heck is this? get off me!" Her pigtails end up all over the place after her naps, some high some low.. I never know what to expect when I pick her up from daycare versus the mornings when I struggle to do her hair in literally 20 seconds while she eats her breakfast.... depending on the breakfast I may or may not get 10 extra seconds... bananas, that's when she gets pigtails... here's your banana... now, let me get this hair up! :) ahh the things you discover as a mother.