Friday, September 30, 2011


in the midst of her teething today, which, i might add, ISNT fun... she's not grumpy all the time but she's just cranky.. it's like on the edge... she's happy one second and then she freaks out. . . so, i decided to go where she loves it... outside. So, we went outside and today, makr it on your calendars, our baby girl picked her first flowers :) many more days I'm sure she will pick some flowers for Momma.

some inspiration.

So, when I was studying in Charleston, I was inspired by a few different people... I met the most amazing people there, actually, it's strange how when you get to a certain point in your life you just start weeding out those who you just don't need around you anymore... not sure why I thought of all of them today.. but, I guess they're all stepping stones on my way to Virginia.. I dunno.

So, I've been looking on Pinterest... such a great waste of time, but also, such a great way to grab some inspiration.

and... here's a few things that I found.

cute sayings, awesome photo of a dog and some brightly colored birds.... why? because this is the way my mind works.... beauty. i love you

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Clara on the front porch

our little girl is growing up so fast! :) Our typical 7 o'clock front porch time has become a time for her to sit alone!!! She's growing up so fast!

Monday, September 26, 2011

pretty in pink

Pretty girl in pink! :) It was on this day I discovered she could almost sit up on her own! :) Woot!
Our little girl and her beautiful eyes.... sometimes it's not where
you are or what you're doing, but who you're with..... we were just out for some Pho... and our little girl was so pretty just sitting there taking in everything the world has to offer... she doesn't miss a beat!
So, I haven't been updating lately... and I'm sorry. I got "told" by my Mom while she
was here on a visit.... it's been a little hectic, we made a trip to Maryland and then when we returned, my mom got here. But... Kris works a 36 hour shift every four days... so I'm not going to say I will post everyday, but I will try....and at the least I will post a blog post while he is working. ALSO>.. My blog is about to change... back to what it was before... things I see, inspiration, colors I may like...etc. I read a fellw blogger and watched her inspiration of work and how she gets ideas from her everyday life for her paintings. Since it is cooling down now outside, I'm going to try to clean out the garage a bit and attempt to get back into painting, crafting, etc. It's something I have been seriously missing in my life... like, a lot... So, yes, there will still be baby photos (of course!) and yes, you'll still find ridiculous photos, like this one of my Ravens family :) But, you will also be seing lots of different things that I think up on (hopefully) a daily basis. C'mon Olive Oil... it's time we had a chat. :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Clara attempts to crawl

I love her little determined look when she gets down and lifts herself up... she lets out a big sigh and grunts too... it's hilarious. I guess it's really hard work being a baby... I mean, I'm sure she has nightmares about crawling... as I guess I should too.

Friday, September 2, 2011

what's for dinner

I've decided to start cooking at home a lot more... so, I decided to do some research online, and plan an entire week of meals... yum.

tonight??? Grilled Pizza!! Yum!
Pizza dough, fire roasted tomatoes, asiago/mozzarella/parmesan cheese, mushrooms, ham and green peppers. . .
what's in the side burner? oh, balsamic reduction (too stinky for the house) to put onto mozzarella and fresh basil salad :) YUM

fun with baby bear

Even when he feeds her, Clara doesn't take Kris seriously... some may say it is a bad thing, but honestly... we use it to our advantage... you're crying.... oh wait, here's daddy... he will always make you laugh.

Enterprise picnic

Clara is sporty in her little chair that Grammy bought her... we were watching Daddy play softball at the USS Enterprise picnic... it was lots of fun in the sun.

Clara and her feet... new discovery

Have you seen my feet? They're my favorite thing these days.... quite possibly the best ever...

Baby Vans shoes

Our very dear friend Bethany's little girl sent Clara her shoes because she wasn't able to wear them. turns out, I think Clara will be too big for them by the time she is walking too :( but, nonetheless, she got to wear them!

Kris dressed Clara and walked out and had her all dolled up... he's such a great Daddy!

Bananas for Baby

Sometimes in life it's moments like these that you wish you could capture forever.... and I did.

I have been making Clara's baby food and I bought 30+ pounds of bananas for $3 and, lemme tell you... CLara was HAPPY! She loves bananas!

such a blur.

It's all a blur... by the time she grows up, her life will be a blur to us, time goes by so fast!