Thursday, December 29, 2011

Our xmas

because of all of our traveling, we had to celebrate our xmas early. . . so, we spent the morning acting like it was xmas morning. :) it was goo dto teach Clara what presents were and what she was supposed to do with them.

Clara's Radio FLyer and Elmo :)

Clara's first Christmas was a long day, we headed to the Eastern Shore to celebrate with Kris's parents... Clara's Great Aunt Pam got her a Radio Flyer but her mean Momma (sorry baby) wouldn't let her go for a ride outside since she was sick. . . but we did the next morning.. and got to use her new bunting too. :) yay! She looks something like the kid on CHristmas Story, but, it's seriously the best thing ever.

Clara was a little scared until she got to ride with Elmo. :)

Baby's first xmas morning

At my Dad's house, it's a tradition to have a big Christmas breakfast. The whole family gathers and eats breakfast before they part ways and head to where they have to go to visit others. Well, this was Clara's first breakfast and the poor girl was sick... so, no pancakes for her :( We did let her play with it for a little bit though.

Sidenote: All these presents weren't for her... I just thought it was funny with her sitting in the middle of all of them.

Ravens xmas eve

We were so lucky to get seats to the Ravens game that were 4 rows from the field :) It is a really fun experience to sit that close to everything, it felt like I was shooting photos of a high school game!

Fake Peas and Measuring cups.

Sometimes, that's all it takes to entertain a 9 month old. She crawls after anything on the floor, so I place things under the counters and edge of tables so that she "finds" them.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Beautiful Christmas photos of the RIley's :) They were fun to work with, as usual. I cannot wait to watch these little ones grow up alongside mine.

we love cheesy Christmas :)

Gramma's grass

A visit to Gramma's house... always brings us one guarantee.... new outifts! Clara was so happy Momma was putting her into the grass to play! :) It's so nice to be outside in short sleeves in December... ah, Georgia... :)

Well, she's done it... and there's no stopping her now. On Thanksgiving, CLara started pulling herself up, but she was still crawling backwards. We just couldn't believe she hadn't gone forward. So, we visited a friend in Charleston whose baby was crawling everywhere. The next day, Clara decides she's going to try it out. By a few days later, she has it mastered. Here's our baby girl's first step into true independence.. we love you, baby girl, get out htere and do what you do best.... make us smile :)

sometimes ya need a break

no, i mean, seriously.... a break.... :)

twins and twins and boy and girl...

...yeah, this is how I spent my Sunday afternoon... two sets of twins, plus another boy and another girl. Well, Ashley you've got your hands full!!!! It's crazy to me to even think about running a household like this, while working full time as a nurse and picking up 24 hour shifts on the weekends... seriously? what a hectic life. Thanks for spending the afternoon with me and helping me capture the love your little family holds. What a fun shoot, these kids had me laughing the whole time,

2 and a half year olds.

It's pretty fun photographing little ones, you never know what you may end up doing to get them to enjoy having their photos taken. When I showed up to take family-esque photos of Alison and her son, I had no idea what I was in for. This little guy was so full of energy... perhaps we should pick a non-park setting for the next shoot of a little guy like Owen. But, we still got some cute results...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Katie & Andrew

I love this beautiful couple. I'm so glad I was able to photograph them while I was down in Georgia. Had to wait til after the holidays to post their family photo. So, here it is :) Hope everyone had a beautiful holiday!

Katie's boys were so funny about picking out their clothes for the shoot... Oh, teenagers... love that silly stage!

Friday, December 9, 2011


Second xmas picture with Santa :) Clara was so good... as usual :) hahah too funnY!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


What a beautiful little girl I had the privilege of photographing :) She was so cute and the same age as my baby girl, so it was so great, 8 months is a perfect age for photos. They are sitting upright but not moving around yet.. what a fun little shoot. And I loved her little sweater :)

The Soon-to-be Quiggles

I've known Jenny for a while and was so happy that she asked me to be a part of her beautiful engagement... :) We did some photos and I was able to capture some of their love... wow. The way they look at each other is just magnificent... love you guys, so glad I could capture a bit of your love! PS... isn't Ava the cutest puppy ever :) Love her!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Huebner Family

What a cute little family :) I had such a great time photographing them. :) And, how sweet is little Delaney? What a gorgeous little girl! Thanks for spending a nice Saturday morning with me.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

ENter too! I'm trying to win!

they're doing a Canon camera give a way.. I think I deserve it!! :)

Thanksgiving 2011

Kris' idea was to put Clara on the table with the turkey... and I'm not too sure who's idea it was to give her the leg... but, she loved checking out all the new things and was infatuated with the green leafy stuff (kale) That's my girl! :)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

clara's first time eating Sand!

it's been a while since I had such a busy day of doing nothing with myself and the baby.... today was one, and it was great! WE went to the beach for baby bear's first time of crawling in the sand.... it was hilarious, and then when we came home she napped for almost 2 hours and then i was able to go to dinner with my friend Abby after running around to different places getting some things she needs for the underway.... phew. here's some of me and the girls at the beach :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Crazy hair

Dear Clara of the Future...

I promise that Mommy and Daddy did NOT style your hair like this... you're naturally this awesome to have a mohawk at the ripe ole age of 8 months.

Bedtime routine

Wanna put yourself in a scary situation? Try photographing a baby in a bathtub on their level... :)

Every night that Daddy is home from work, he bathes Clara and reads to her, we will miss these moments while he's deployed... aren't they the cutest? :)